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Jenna looks over the carnage covered floor. "I don't see Lucus Damskin here. Is he not guilty?"

Her soft words brings Tamsin attention fully on her. "Yes, he is even more guilty than his mother or lover/sister. Do you have any idea where he might be? My men searched the premises if there were any hiding they were found and brought here."

"They have a panic room he might be in there if he was close by when the shots were fired. I don't see their cousins either, a set of twins." She hopes that Tamsin won't say that they are guilty as well.

"The twins are what about Shelby's age are they not?" Jenna nods, "They are innocent at least in the business dealings."

"What do you mean?" Jenna says pausing outside the door to the room where the panic room was hidden.

"If they are with their cousin he probably is getting his rocks off watching them. Lucas and Sharon after all showed them just how close siblings could be on a regular basis." Tamsin says amused at the sick look that comes on Jenna's face.

"It's here, but once it's activated it will only be able to be opened from the inside."

"Act terrified and ask Lucas for admittance," Tamsin says and holds her close to his body while caressing her face with his gun. It doesn't take much acting on Jenna's part. She trusts Tamsin but still it terrifies her that he's holding that gun so close to her and so easily turned on her.

"Lucas, oh please Lucas, if you are in there let me in I beg of you!" Jenna pleads in a voice loud enough that he'd be able to hear her.

"Oh, the whore wants admittance to my sanctuary does she?" Lucas's voice makes Jenna want to puke more than all the gore downstairs did.

"Please Lucas let me in! I'll do whatever you want," it makes Jenna just about gag saying that and Tamsin doesn't much care for it either.

"Get on your knees and beg me bitch! When I open this door be ready to take me into your mouth." Lucas's normally urban voice is nasty and filled with venom.

Jenna goes to get on her knees like Lucas requested but Tamsin tries to stop her. "He'll see in the camera if I don't. You aren't in the camera range, it's okay, it won't be the first time. Not even for him." Her words don't reassure him they inflame him. "He was a good customer at the club and I was a favorite of his."

"That alone would be enough to ensure his death Jenna," Tamsin whispers to her.

She keeps the terrified look on her face but smiles inwardly at his words. He wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Okay bitch, here I come." And he was already half way there. Even if Jenna had to take him in her mouth she didn't think it would take long for him to come. Then she looked inside and saw his cousins. The girl is on the bed naked and the boy is leaning over her pleasuring her. It's obvious they'd interrupted Lucas before he could enter the boy.

Tamsin raises his gun and makes sure that Lucas sees it. "You're working for him? You bitch!"

"Of course I'm working for him he liberated me from the hell hole you liked to visit me at. You left me there to rot and use as it pleased you. Tamsin gave me freedom to return to my life, or what's left of it. You're even more disgusting than I had thought. When did you start fucking your cousin's?"

"None of your damn business bitch. You're nothing but a worthless whore." Lucas says angrily. Tamsin narrows his eyes in anger and motions for Jenna to move out of the way.

"Tamsin," Jenna says stopping him. He turns to look at her keeping Lucas in his sights. "Can I shoot this bastard?"

That thought makes Tamsin smile in delight. He motions with his gun and Jenna comes over and takes the gun from him. Lucas no longer has the sickening sweet smile he normally wears. "Jenna please don't do this," he begs.

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