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The ride back to the mansion was filled with tense silence. Everyone lost in their own thoughts, their own pain. It is with almost relief that everyone exits the car.

"I apologize to everyone for the way this evening turned out. I hope that you will all forgive me," Jeremy says and bows in apology.

They all turn to him and give him looks like he is crazy. Tamsin is the one to state what they are all thinking, "Of us all Jeremy, you are the one least responsible for the fiasco of this night. Thank you for having hosted us even though we are poor guests. Come by tomorrow," Tamsin slides his eyes over to Jasmine then back to him. "And Jeremy that is an order."

Jeremy bows, "As you wish sir. Good night everyone." Jeremy's look softens as he turns to Jasmine who had yet to leave his side. "Good night Jasmine. I hope things are better for you in the morning." Jeremy wishes to kiss her more than anything but knows that now is NOT the time. It might never be the time again.

"Tomorrow Jeremy, come for brunch at ten thirty. Our cook is especially good and I think you'll enjoy it." There is a definite command and Jeremy stiffens at it but accedes to Tamsin's wishes. 

"Very well I'll see you at ten thirty then." Jeremy gets back into the car and lets the tears fall. Jasmine said that she wouldn't hold the information against him but it sure feels like she does. It feels like she is cutting off contact with him already.

"Well," he sighs to himself, "at least I'll see her and Darren tomorrow for brunch."

"Jasmine, can I see you for a minute?" Charry asks unsure if she would be welcome.

"Yes, of course, come in Charry." Jasmine manages to conjure up a smile as she invites the older girl into her room.

"You really like Jeremy don't you?" Charry starts right in and doesn't pull any punches.

"Yes, but after what..."

"Don't let what happened with my brother keep you from finding happiness Jasmine. It's a pattern I've noticed. Or rather Jenna pointed out to me. The men seem to stop thinking once they join the mafia. Darrin loved you I don't know what he was thinking." Charry says frankly.

"You knew he was cheating on me?" Jasmine demands.

"No! But I guessed it. He was scared Jasmine. Terrified of becoming a father, he was so young, we all were. But my brother was younger than us in many ways. All he ever wanted was to be part of the mafia and all that entailed. He loved it when the others asked him to go with them to the club. He felt like he was accepted.

"I think he allowed the attention of the whores and strippers there go to his head. I don't know exactly what happened, but I can guess that he made a mistake and didn't know how to fix it. And being the idiot that he was he just kept making things worse instead of trying to make things better. I'm willing to bet he was more afraid of losing you than anything and that's why he never told you."

"He was right, he would have lost me. I deserve better than that Charry. I deserve respect and love that isn't shared with a bunch of whores." Jasmine starts crying again.

"Yes, you do and that's what you'll have with Jeremy. He loves you Jasmine. I saw it in how he acted towards you and looked at you tonight. That man will do anything for you, include leave you, if that is what you wish. Don't make the mistake of pushing him away just because you are hurt by Darren's actions." Jasmine stares at Charry completely astounded at this about face.

"You are the one that didn't want him here tonight. Now you are his champion, why is that?"

"I didn't know then what I do now about my brother, but I also saw how he looked at you and how you looked at him before the whole deal with my brother blew up. I wish now that I hadn't objected to him spending the night. But then again, after everything that happened I doubt he'd have stayed over any way. Did he say anything to you?" Charry asks and urges her to share.

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