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The ambulance takes Charry and Tamsin to the hospital. Shelby shows up in time to take Jenna and a very scared Jasmine as well. Tamsin meets them in the waiting room of the emergency room. He looks tired and more than a little disheveled.

"Tamsin?" Jenna asks softly as she goes up to him, worry in her eyes.

"It's bad, Jenna, they're doing everything they can so she doesn't lose the baby, but-there's no guarantees. Where's Darren and Jordan?" Tamsin asks more than a little irritated that the others aren't here yet.

Just then Darren comes in with Jordan trailing behind and they rush up to Tamsin. "What happened? All I know is that Jordan called me saying he needed a ride to the hospital because Charry was being taken here by ambulance." Darren has gotten far more self confident since he joined the ranks of the mafia.

Jordan is standing off to the side willing to let Darren do the talking for him. He's more than a bit intimidated by Tamsin, especially after they found out the girls were pregnant.

"Charry won't die, although she might have if I hadn't been there. They are doing their best to keep her from losing the baby. Not even I am allowed back there right now," Tamsin isn't happy about this. The beast considers Charry his and doesn't like being forced away from her. But at the same time he needs to be near Jenna.

For hours the group sits and waits more or less impatiently for news. Shelby had returned to the house to take care of Michael and calls every hour to find out more and give updates on Michael as well.

Jordan walks away from the group and Tamsin follows him.

"This is my fault, Tamsin," Jordan says tears in his eyes. Over the months he's gotten to know the shy girl that's carrying his child and come to care for her deeply. "I should never have taken her to bed."

Tamsin snorts, "I bit late for that isn't it? The past is done and over with. Charry won't say what your plans are. Do you even have any?" Tamsin is tired of waiting for them to come to him.

"I wanted her to give the child up for adoption," Jordan says softly. Tamsin's eyes start glowing brightly. It's his grandchild and no one is going to give him or her up to someone else. He'd adopt the child himself if he had to to keep it.

"How did Charry react to that suggestion?" Tamsin growls out.

"She hasn't spoken to me since I made it. She said that she would take care of the child on her own and didn't need me or my money. She basically told me to go to hell," Jordan says miserably.

"Well, I guess if they can't save the baby there won't be a problem will there?" Tamsin says bitterly. He'd been in a similar situation with Jenna not too terribly long ago. "You don't want this child Jordan, don't worry I'll make sure they are both taken care of and you will be able to go on your merry way in life."

Although Tamsin's words are what Jordan had thought he'd wanted to hear they don't bring him any comfort. The tears slip down his face. "I'm sorry Tamsin. You must think me such a loser. I am a loser. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of them. I care for Charry, she's a damn fine woman. Far better than any of the elite bitches that now seem to want me in their beds."

"So what? The future is ahead of you Jordan. I know you're only fifteen, you have money, you have looks. You're fucking set in life. You could look higher than Charry. Hell you have years left to look before you settle down. You elites don't settle down for years, at least the males don't. I'm just damn lucky I got Jenna to agree to be mine. But even so I nearly blew it. She nearly died twice before I realized what I wanted. Is it going to take years for you to decide?" Tamsin asks and then leaves the sobbing young man alone. Jordan is too lost in his own misery to notice the language Tamsin used if he had he would have been shocked. Tamsin didn't swear.

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