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"The baby is fine and the pregnancy is progressing perfectly Jenna. Do you want to know what you are having?" The doctor asks as she moves the sonogram wand around. Jenna had watched in wonder at the sight before her. Her child.

"You can tell?" She wants to know but at the same time doesn't want to know.

"Yes, but if you don't want to know then I won't tell you." The doctor didn't question Jenna when she said that the father wouldn't be joining them. She wondered if maybe the child was conceived by violence. Jenna is after all one of the ultra elite, but most of them were killed several months ago. Just about the time this child was conceived.

"Yes, I think I want to know." Jenna says in a small voice. If it's a boy she isn't sure what she'll do, she's almost positive Tamsin will take him from her. If it's a girl on the other hand then Tamsin won't care.

"It looks like a boy," the doctor smiles at her and gives her copies of the photos of the baby that she took. She pretends that she doesn't see the tears in Jenna's eyes.

Jenna opens the door to her room, Tamsin still hasn't let them move back to their apartment. She isn't surprised to find Tamsin sitting there waiting for her.

"How did the appointment go?" His rich voice holds no tones of the darkness of the beast.

Jenna just looks at him and hands him the photos. "Your son." She wouldn't speak anymore.

"You didn't tell me today was the day you were going to get your sonogram. I would have come with you." Tamsin looks at the photo in delight. It might be grainy but he could still tell the various body parts. That's when it hits him, she said son.

"After the baby is born, I need you to do something for me." There is no joy or pleasure in her voice.

Tamsin is wary of her request, "If I can."

"Oh, this is something I know you can do, you've done it a lot actually. After you take my child from me, kill me." Her voice is so emotionless that it takes him a few seconds to determine what exactly she wants from him.

"Why the hell do you think I'll take the baby from you?" Tamsin asks, not sure if he should be angry and upset or not.

Jenna shrugs, "Why wouldn't you. Oh, right. Babies are a lot of work. Whores don't make good mothers though. And since you still think of me as a whore..."

Tamsin has to force his fingers to relax and smooth out the photos of his son that he nearly destroyed. She won't forgive him. He doesn't know what more he can do to make it better.

"Please leave, you reek of cancer sticks and sex; it makes me nauseas." Jenna says going to the bathroom.

Tamsin gets up and goes to the bathroom door, where he finds Jenna kneeling on the floor dry heaving.

"I don't smoke Jenna, can't stand the smell either and I haven't had sex or any form thereof for some time." Tamsin starts to argue then manages to catch her before she collides with the floor.

"Jenna," he says in a choked out voice. He carries her to her bed and even though he knows she wouldn't want him to he does a check up.

"Dammit Jenna, you have to start eating." He knows that the pregnancy has been brutal in that she hasn't been able to keep much down, but he thought that she'd have tried to eat.

"Why are you here Tamsin?" Shelby's voice brings him back to the present.

"I knew that Jenna had a Doctor's appointment today and I wanted to know how it went." Tamsin can't help feeling defensive at Shelby's tone.
Shelby looks at him and raises one eyebrow, "Then why is my sister unconscious on her bed?"

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