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After that day Jordan changes. He rarely comes out of his room and he only does so when Jasmine demands that he does. He stops eating and starts losing weight. Charry will never give him another chance. He lost every one and everything. Only Jasmine will still talk to him so he removes himself from their presence.

"I thought I was the one that was depressed," Jasmine tells him forcing him out of bed.

"Yes, and you have a right to be. Hell, Jasmine I don't know why you are even talking to me. I ruined everything." Jordan says feeling sorry for himself. He picks himself up from the floor where Jasmine had dumped him.

"I lost Darren, but he died to protect me Jordan. I was hurting so much after he died. You were there holding me for hours as I cried. How can I not be there for you now? But I will tell you Tamsin is getting more short tempered every day. He told me to tell you to man up and stop acting like a two year old that is being punished. He wants to see you in his office and he wants you presentable. You have ten minutes to get ready." Jasmine says, she hides the smile as Jordan gets a wild look in his eye and jumps up. He grabs clothes and runs into the shower. 

Tamsin is correct, Jasmine mulls, he'd said that Jordan was ready to snap out of things. He's had a week to come to terms with what he's done, with what he's lost. Perhaps now he's ready to fix what he broke. She loses the smile, Charry isn't going to be easy to convince though. She's already given Jordan another chance; she doesn't want to give him another.

Tamsin is going crazy. His family is divided, his daughter and granddaughter aren't where they belong. He needs them home where he can watch over them. He doesn't dare let his anxiety show with Jenna, but his men are terrified of him right now. Calus refuses to let Shelby come over until he gets himself under better control. Jenna is starting to get upset that Shelby is unable to come over much anymore.

A knock on his office door, "Come in," Tamsin growls. Everything that is going wrong right now can be laid at the feet of Jordan.

"Jasmine said you wanted to see me?" Jordan says. He no longer looks like a model, more like a death camp survivor. Tamsin hadn't realized things had gone so far, or that Jordan had felt things so deeply.

"Yes, don't you think it's time for you to get Charry and Melanie home?" Tamsin says growling. This new development isn't to the beast's liking.

"I've been thinking about that Tamsin. She won't come home as long as I am here. It's better for her and Melanie to come home so I'll be leaving. I'll be gone in an hour. I'll send a message to Charry telling her that I'm gone and beg her to come back home where she belongs." Tamsin doesn't like the look on Jordan's face as he says this. 

"I've done too much damage Tamsin, to Charry, to Jenna, to you and my sister. It will be better if I leave. My family's estate has been empty for over a year now. A house shouldn't remain empty for long periods of time.

"Would you tell Jenna that I'm sorry? I'd tell her myself but she won't stay in the same room with me long enough for me to say it.

"I thank you for everything you've done for me and Jasmine. Take care of them, of course you will, stupid thing for me to say. Make sure that they always know that I love them, you don't have to if you don't want to of course." Jordan shakes his head as if trying to clear it. "Sorry, I don't seem to be making much sense right now.

"Once I get to my estate I'll send that message to Charry. I'll send a copy to you as well so you know it's been sent. You won't have to look at it if you don't want to. I've made a lot of mistakes in the last little while, mistakes that have lost me so much. Goodbye Tamsin." Jordan says and walks out of the office. Tamsin is left standing speechless. Things had definitely not gone as planned and now his beast is frantic. He's going to lose another child. 

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