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"How'd it get to this point, Calus?" Tamsin wonders as he looks at the woman he thought he loved.

"You didn't believe her and called her a whore when she told you she was pregnant with your child." Calus says clinically.

"If you are going to help her than you should do so shortly, once the pain starts it will be a mercy to shoot her and I will. I've already promised Shelby I would." Calus says before ushering out a sobbing Shelby.

"You will not kill her," the beast growls low and threatening. 

"I will if she's suffering. You wouldn't let me take her to the hospital where the drugs would give her surcease from the pain. She doesn't deserve to have her last hours be that of excruciating pain. And I won't let Shelby hear her suffer like that either."

Tamsin goes to the comatose woman and starts rubbing his hands up and down her arms like he had months ago. Slowly she becomes more relaxed and her breathing becomes easier as her fever lessens. For the first time he feels the heartbeat of the fetus and there is a resonance that brings fear into his heart. The fetus is his, he'd wronged Jenna dreadfully. 

He finishes his healing and is satisfied that she would live and no longer have that contraceptive in her system. The baby's heartbeat is strong and healthy.

He sits back exhausted and looks at the peacefully sleeping woman and starts crying.

He doesn't know how long he'd been crying when he looks up and finds Jenna's eyes on him. "Where am I and why are you here?" She says in the coldest tones he'd ever heard from anyone other than himself.

"You know what? It doesn't matter. Get out, get the hell out I never want to see you again." Jenna says it all without raising her voice or adding any intonation. It remains cold and even throughout.

"Jenna," Tamsin tries but she wants nothing to do with him.

"I left and you didn't care, so don't pretend that you do now. Get out Tamsin and I never want to see you again." Jenna's voice raises enough that it brings Calus and Shelby racing to see her.

"Oh good, Shelby you're here. I was afraid this ass would have left you to be killed. Calus get him out of here. How long before we can go home?"

"You're not." Tamsin says starting to get angry at her dismissal of him.

Jenna narrows her eyes at him, "And why the hell am I not going home?"

"Because there are currently two dead bodies there, unless cleanup has gotten rid of them. Two got hurt but didn't die. Until these death threats are taken care of, you won't be leaving my side."'

"Like you really care Tamsin. I'm just another whore to you, always have been. What do you care if I get killed?"

"I'm not going to let my child be killed Jenna. So no matter what you might think of me..."

"Oh, that's rich. Now you claim MY child. Two months too late Tamsin. This is MY child. You absolved all claims when you called me a whore and a cheater and said there was no way in hell that MY child is yours." Jenna refuses to look at Tamsin further and turns to Calus.

"If his lordship won't let us go home, then I want a different room from him. Although I still don't see how it matters whether or not if I and MY child live or die. He sure as hell didn't give a f..."

"Don't finish that word Jenna," Tamsin's voice is dark and angry.

"I apologize for everything I've said earlier. I accept the fact that it's my child that you carry and I will make sure that you and the child are protected and cared for." Tamsin sighs deeply.

"It isn't easy for me to admit about how wrong I was." Tamsin says in a defeated way.

"Calus, get me another room." Jenna says in the silence following Tamsin's declaration. "Also we'll need clothes and what not, Shelby will be able to tell you what all we'll need."

Tamsin goes to the window and looks unseeing at the city below him. He'd messed up and now he's lost the woman he loves.

"Tamsin," Shelby says her voice soft.

"Yes, Shelby?" Tamsin says shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Thank you for saving my sister and the baby. It would have killed her to lose the baby after everything else. And," Shelby pauses, "thank you for saying what you did, about the baby being yours even though you don't believe it. It really does mean a lot to us both. Jenna wouldn't ever have cheated on you, that you finally believe that means a great deal."

"Oh, he still believes that I cheated on him. I'm still just a whore and a bed warmer, we have no morals. It was something else that got him to change his mind." Jenna's voice is bitter and angry. Each word acts like a slap on Tamsin.

"Is that true Tamsin?" Calus asks.

"Yes." His reply is whisper thin but heard by all in the room.

"I'll get you that other room Jenna. Shelby come with me and give me a list of things you and Jenna will need."

"You were more than just a bed warmer Jenna." Tamsin says pain now evident in his voice.

"Yet, you are so quick to believe the worst in me. I'm tired of your lies Tamsin. All I ever was, was a bed warmer. Even now, you say you believe this child is yours but not really.

"Tell me Tamsin, why the about face, why now the pseudo accepting of my child as being yours?" Jenna's words burn like acid.

"When I healed you there is a resonance from the child, a resonance that could only happen if that child were mine." Tamsin explains.

"Well pretend that you never felt that resonance and leave," Jenna says and closes her eyes and turns away from the man that she loved. "It should be easy enough, you still don't believe it even though the resonance or whatever was there. And if I should die it would be one less problem to deal with." This time there is no doubting Tamsin heard self loathing in her voice.

"Oh, Tamsin, if you must remain in the same hotel room as me, at least for the time being, do me a favor and shower. You reek of sex, it's turning my stomach." And with that Jenna shoots up off the bed and races to the bathroom. She starts vomiting and continues for quite some time, so long in fact that she only has dry heaves. Tamsin had followed her in and held her hair back and helped her clean up. 

Jenna is shaking so badly by the time she's finished that she can't even stand up. "I see what you mean." Tamsin carries her to the bed and makes her as comfortable as he can. He hadn't realized that she could smell it on him. That must be how Shelby knew too.

 He waits for Shelby to return then goes into the bathroom and showers, after giving Shelby instructions, "Lock the door and don't let anyone in. Calus has a key and won't knock, if he knocks there's something wrong, take my gun and be prepared to shoot to kill."

"You better hurry then, Jenna's the one that can shoot that thing. I don't even like to touch them," Shelby says eyeing his gun near the door with distaste.

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