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"Charry, what are you doing?" Jasmine asks yawning the next day. Charry wasn't at lunch, neither was Jordan.

Charry continues packing her bags. She already had two packed and ready to go. The hangers lying empty attest to that.

"I'm leaving Jasmine. I'm taking my daughter and we're leaving. Your brother and I broke up earlier this morning, I can't live here anymore." Charry says as the tears run down her face.

This wakes Jasmine up completely. She'd only had a couple of hours of sleep, they got back late from the hospital and then she couldn't sleep. But now she's losing her best friend and needs her more than ever. "Wait! you can't leave what about Melanie? She needs her father and her aunt that adores her. Not to mention her grandparents."

Charry stops and sits down hard on the bed. She starts crying, "I know, you all need her. I don't want to go, but I won't be able to stay and watch Jordan come with other girls either. I'll come visit and you can bring Darren over to visit me." Jasmine goes over to Charry and holds her close like Jenna had held her last night.

"What did my idiot brother do Charry?" Jasmine asks.

"He's been eyeing other girls since Melanie was born. But yesterday, I saw him holding hands with one and then he kissed her. Tamsin was right in not letting us get married. He was only with me because of Melanie. Now I'm going to give him the freedom he wants. He won't have to worry about Melanie or me. But I will miss you, Jasmine. Not many girls talk to me and it was nice to have a best friend that was also a sister. Darren was crazy about you, he wanted to marry you and was just waiting for you to grow up. I'll always consider you my sister, even when you find someone else, like that Jeremy guy."

"Jeremy decided that he didn't want to deal with this family. Now you're leaving me too. Where are you going Charry?" Jasmine asks holding back her sobs, but she can't hold back the tears.

"My father's house. The tenant moved last week, I had it cleaned and redecorated. Things are set up for Melanie and me already." Charry replies holding the newly broken girl close to her. "Come and visit me often Jasmine. I'd ask you to come and live with me and Melanie but there is no way Tamsin would allow both of us out of this house. Especially not if Jeremy decided against dating you."

"Speaking of Tamsin have you informed him and Jenna that you are leaving?" Jasmine asks. There was no way Tamsin is going to let her leave.

"Yes. He wasn't happy, the beast's eyes I've never seen so bright, but at the same time he can't order me to stay home. Jenna was devastated though. It hurt her but she talked Tamsin down. They are both furious with Jordan, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when he decides to come home."

Just then Melanie and Darren decide to start crying. "Sounds like nap is over." Both girls get up to get their children.

Jasmine watches Charry load up her car sadly. There was nothing she could do. Charry loves her stupid brother so much but, Jordan is too young to know what he wants. Jasmine is almost sure that he'll be happy about Charry leaving. He'd been getting a panicky look lately, like he's been penned in and there's no escape. Well, the way is wide open now. He'll be able to have his pick of girls now that Charry is out of the picture. That idiot.

Charry comes and gives Jasmine one last hug then leaves. Tamsin has some of his men waiting at the house to help her unload. He'll be leaving some guards there full time. There was no way he'd let his daughter and granddaughter live without protection.

About an hour after Charry left Jordan comes home. Jasmine had been crying the whole time, while she has Darren playing in his play pen.

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