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"Jenna?" Calus asks as he enters the waiting room.

"Yes," Jenna asks wiping her tears away before facing the unknown man.

"My name is Calus, Tamsin sent me." Calus says and he doesn't miss the widening of her eye or the fear his name brings.

"You know me." He states it rather than make it the question he perhaps should have.

"You are the one that betrayed him. The one he said he trusts even after the betrayal." Jenna isn't sure if she should or even could trust someone that has betrayed the man she's given her loyalty to.

Calus gives a bitter laugh, "Oh, no worries Jenna. Tamsin and I have had more than one talk about my betrayal and my loyalties. He sent me here because he wants to make sure that you are alright. Well, as alright as you can be after what has been done to you and your family."

Jenna relaxes a bit. She remembers that Tamsin had said that Calus was his man and that she would be meeting him.

"How is your sister?" Calus asks sitting himself down across from Jenna, careful to make sure that she is comfortable with his presence before doing so.

"She's still in surgery. They won't tell me anything until the surgery is done." Jenna replies her voice small and scared. This angers Calus, he likes women and doesn't like them being scared or hurt. That was perhaps the worse part of being in the mafia, he didn't like how the boss had treated the females.

"You know Tamsin well don't you?" Jenna's small and timid voice breaks into his unhappy thoughts.

"Yes, we grew up together. My father was like a second father to him," and his sister's were so much more.

"How will he deal with being the boss of the mafia now?" Jenna asks.

Calus smiles but without warmth and the smile doesn't reach his eyes. "Tamsin has stayed away from violence his whole life because of what it would do to him. He will become a worse monster than the boss ever was. I only can hope that he leaves the innocents out of this life. He promised he would, but," Calus shrugs. "Tamsin, the one I grew up with is already gone. Already a new one, a harder more dangerous one, has taken his place."

"Yet you give him your loyalty," Jenna says in wonder. Her fear of him falling.

"Yes, my father and myself both. The bastard brought Tamsin to this. We were helpless to stop it, so all we can do now is try to ameliorate it. Tamsin has hated the mafia since his family was killed and left his father to raise him and his siblings. They were a very close family and allowed us to become a part of that closeness. It was perhaps the happiest memories I have. I think if Tamsin had known what my father did he might have killed my father when he was younger."

"You really think Tamsin would have been capable of that at an earlier age?" Jenna asks eyes were wide now.

"Jenna, what you witnessed when he was torturing the boss is just the beginning. Tamsin has fought his dark side for years. When the boss turned his sights to Tamsin I had no choice but to take things the way I did. I don't know how the boss found out about him originally, but when he brought me in and grilled me about Tamsin it was too late.

"He'd been stalking Tamsin for some time and knew a good deal about him. I could go against the boss and die a horrible death that would do no one any good or I could pretend to go along with his plan. I didn't tell him that going against Tamsin like that would be a bad idea.

"Bad idea," Calus scoffs. "A fucking nightmare more like it. I need to work on that. Tamsin, doesn't really like swearing. I heard him swear more tonight than I have in ten years."

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