10. The End?

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"Do you think it'll work?" John whispered to Emily as the trio stood in the church in front of Father Murphy, who had a book in one hand and rosary in another.

Father Murphy kept the stone in a brown carved box and said, "Nothing in this world will work, my child, unless you believe in it."

John closed his eyes, took a deep breath, let it out, and said, "I do believe."

"Then, I don't see any reason why it won't work." Father Murphy said with a smile.

He then began blessing the stone, trying to remove the negativity it had.

Suddenly, whispers started echoing within the church saying something which no one could figure out but the only thing that could be comprehended was that the thing which was whispering was in pain or anger or hatred.

John felt a cold hand touched his shoulder. He jolted and looked behind him but there was no one. They saw a shadow of someone lurking and then it went through the walls.

A scared trio stood there, frozen, with their racing heartbeats and heavy short breaths. But Father Murphy didn't stop. Slowly, everything was getting normal.

After the blessing and purifying the stone, he kept it in the box, locked, so that it won't cause any harm to anyone anymore.

" I'm keeping this box in the church for now, until we find a permanent solution for this. But 'till then, no matter what, do not open this box."


It's been nearly 2 months, and everything seemed to be going back to normal. Tom had undergone an operation but was recovering now. He got stitches and bandages wrapped around his head and stomach and Hannah made sure that he took his medicines on time. John took Tom to the vet for visits to see his progress. Hannah and Emily had won the science fair with their ' homemade solar air heater '. The Jacksons did not hear any more sad or depressing news about anyone. Everything was going well.

" So, are you excited about the new term?" Hannah said with excitement to Emily on the phone.

" You bet! I can't wait! I think we're the only ones who are this excited about going back to school for the new term."

Both the girls burst into laughter and discussed all sorts of things that they were looking forward to doing this term.

" Hold on Emily. There's someone on the other line."

"Hello?" Hannah said.

"Can I talk to Ms. Hannah Jackson?" A voice asked from the other side of the phone. It was Father Murphy.

Suddenly, she heard the doorbell and went to open the door. It was the courier boy.

" Hello, Father Murphy. I'm Hannah."

She signed the paper and he handed over the courier to her. She couldn't see whom it's from but seeing her address, she began opening it.

"Hello, Hannah. I just wanted to know how is everything going now? Getting better?"

Hannah began to open her mouth to say 'yes' but she felt like the words were stuck in her throat when she opened the courier and saw the stone inside, gleaming its emerald-green light.

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