69. The Visit

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"John, right?" A lady wearing a white top and blue jeans with her hairs tied up in a side braid and a sweater around her waist opened the door a few seconds after John rang the doorbell of a house which he was hoping belonged to the girl he was looking for - Skylar.

"Yes, I am," John replied standing on the porch. "Are you Skylar?"

Please be Skylar, please be Skylar.

"I never thought that you have a short-term memory. You forgot me?" She giggled. "Of course, I'm Skylar. Did you also forget that you, and two other girls, what were there names now?" She rubbed her chin with her thumb as she tried to recall. "Oh, yes, Hannah and Emily. How can I forget you? You all didn't call the cops on me. Thank you for that though."

Is she gonna keep me outside and talk all day like this? Or is she gonna invite me in?

"Oh, I'm sorry," She moved towards her right with her fingers on the door handle as half of her body hid behind the door. "Please, come in," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," John replied politely.

My legs were all weary from the walk and tired. If she were to keep me standing outside, I'm sure I was going to fall down. He giggled imagining his wobbly fall.

"Did you see the neighborhoods? I don't know how or why but every single neighborhood is becoming a web of sleeping corpses. Three more areas have been hit! I'm really scared though, and that's why you might see packing boxes here and there on the floor," Skylar expressed her concern.

God! The spell is spreading really fast!
John entered the house and nodded as he noticed the boxes. Skylar gestured him to take a seat.

"Anyway, John, what brings you here?" Skylar asked after both sat on a couch in front of each other.

John looked around the house. He was still scared and want to make sure he did not see that man again there.

"John?" she asked looking at a distracted boy sitting in front of her with his eyes going crazy looking around the house.


"Where are you lost?" She asked with a little laugh.

"Nothing. Can I ask you something?" He asked diverting from her question.

Skylar nodded. "Wait," she said getting up. "Let me bring you a glass of water. Looking at your face, I can tell that you need a refreshment."

She went towards somewhere which John thought to be the kitchen.

He began to look around and then lightning thought struck him - Wait a minute, how did I ignore this? Everything is falling to pieces now. According to the research that Hannah, Emily and I did in the library, where we came to know about Diana's past and according to Emily who told us the saying behind the stones that it's a cursed stone and people say that it brings misery and death to anyone that has it and everyone near it or the loved ones of that person. Skylar isn't close or dear to me, we aren't even friends. Then why did Diana wrote her name in the second note? With the first note from the hospital, she told us that Aunt Petunia's death is near and now she wrote Skylar. Why does she want to kill Skylar? Diana had been hurting my family since the beginning and making them meet with their demise. Harry got killed that night because he was my best friend. Emily got into a coma as she was Hannah's best friend. Hannah is my sister. So, that's reasonable. But why is she coming for Skylar? I don't think she is a friend of Emily or Hannah or friends with mom or dad. She isn't even a relative or a family member! Or is she?

"Here," A hand wearing a silver bracelet with stars hanging from it, holding a glass filled with water, distracted him from his thoughts but his question was valid. The saying of the curse wasn't applying in this situation. Was only the half of the curse known? Is something slipping from his mind? There seems to be more than what he had known till now.

"Do you know my family?" John asked taking the glass whose outer surface was fogged a little due to the cold water with his left hand.

"Your family?" she sounded a little shocked as she was not expecting it. "I have seen you for the second time, I don't know anyone in your family."

"You sure? Think again." John pushed his question.

Skylar made a questioned face. What has gotten into the boy? Why is he asking me such a random and strange question? does he think that I'm his long lost sister or relative?

"No, John, positive. I do not know anyone from your family. Why did you ask though?"

If she isn't in my family, this has become even more confusing. Which game is Diana playing?

"Nothing special. Just like that." John replied.

What a strange boy. She slowly began sitting down watching him gulping down the water. But then again, I can't call him strange. He must have his own reasons - just like my little sister. Even though I believe in what she says, how can I agree with her strange and weird behaviors and talking? I don't see anything! What was she even showing me last night? No wonder why everyone calls her strange or not believe in her. She says that she can see spirits, but how can she? Sometimes I think that all she is doing is pranking me. She knows how scared I get in these matters.

"Skylar?" John snapped his fingers bringing Skylar to return to her conscious. "You asked me where I was lost and now you seem to be lost in some thoughts!" John placed the empty glass on the center-table in front of him.

"I was thinking about my sister. Anyway, you never told me why you visited." Skylar asked without being rude to her guest.

"I -" John paused. You cannot tell her the actual reason! You cannot tell her about the notes. She won't believe you if you say it straight forward. She would just say that only the word 'Skylar' is written. It could refer to anyone and even though someone wrote her name, how does that mean that someone is after her life? She would only think of it as a joke and not its seri- wait, Emily was trying to tell me the same thing. Now I understood it but she could've said it in a better way though!

"I came here because -"

"Hold on," Skylar interrupted him as she heard her cell phone ringing from another room.

John exhaled a deep breath as he laid back on the couch, resting his head on it. He could hear the faint voice of Skylar talking on the phone as he stared at the ceiling.

Suddenly, he heard some footsteps which sounded like someone was coming down the stairs which were in front of him. 

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