95. Innocents Pay The Price

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As Emily's car was charred, the only option left was for Helena to teleport them to the Church.

The next day, before they could go to meet Father Murphy, Emily said, "Before going to the Church, I think it would be better if we meet the Jackson family first."

"Why do you want to meet them, Emily?" Helena asked looking at everyone who was just as confused by her suggestion as she was." Diana thinks that Scarlett killed you and if we go there, John could tell Diana that whom she thought of being dead is alive. We cannot risk losing you."

"I agree that one of Diana's pawn is there too but John could harm anyone. It's their right to know so that they could be beware. And as far as my 'death' is concerned, you, Ryan, and Clyde could go and search the entire house where the family is living in and then only if everything is clear and there's no sight of John, I'll come. How about that?"

The three nodded in agreement before Emily watched them disappear.

After waiting for a few minutes near the reception as Emily got discharged the next day, the three of them teleported back to the hospital and told her that the coast was clear.

The next second Emily, Clyde, Helena, and Ryan were outside a place which was not the Jacksons' residence but a motel.

"This isn't the Jacksons' house." Emily's eyes scanned the old motel building covered with the chipped coat of pale white paint. "Maybe they didn't want to drive all the way across nearly three towns."

They all walked inside the motel which had lifeless bodies laying on the floor.

If Diana had taken the souls of the people here, why would they decide to stay here? Emily thought. Maybe because first, this place is not far off from the hospital and second, Diana wouldn't return to the same place twice - well, at least I don't think. So, it is a safe hideout if you think like that.

"C'mon, this way," Clyde gestured the rest up the stairs. The three of them followed him until they stopped in front of room 113. "Here's where they are staying."

Emily took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Just a minute," In no time Emily knew it was Rose's voice. They stood in the hallway in front of the door before watching the doorknob move right. With a creaking sound, the door was opened and Emily was greeted by John's mother who was unaware of the danger she and her husband could potentially be in. Rose gestured Emily inside the room and closed the door followed by the creaking sound.

"Hope you are feeling alright, Mr. Jackson," Emily said politely looking at David who was laying down in a bed.

"I am, Emily. Thank you. But what happened to you?" David asked concerned looking at Emily's burns.

"It's...just nothing." Emily tried to come up with an excuse but nothing that can be called a good explanation came to her head.

When David and Rose still gave her the worried look, Emily said, "Don't worry, I am alright now." Emily smiled hoping that they wouldn't ask any more questions as she didn't know how to answer them.

"Emily?" Rose's question gave Emily a hint of what she was going to ask next but she waited. Either it could be about John or about her visit to the Church and what Father Murphy told her. The night she and Clyde had returned from the Church, she didn't get a chance to tell her, and then after that were the nightmares and then she and Clyde went to the Golden Gate town to meet Scarlett. She bet John didn't tell her. Or maybe she wanted to ask something else?

"Yes, Mrs. Jackson?"

"Dear, where were you? We were so worried. John told me that he didn't see you that night you returned from the Church and after you had the nightmares. We searched the entire hospital and asked people if they had seen you but they all gave only one answer - no. We tried your phone but it was out of coverage. We told the hospital where we will be staying in case if you didn't find us there. We were so worried and then John told us that maybe you could've gone back."

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