12. Emily's Text

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It was a dark day for everyone. The sky was dark with grey and black clouds, cold wind was blowing as the rain continued to fall.

All the friends & the families had gathered in the graveyard to bid Harry final goodbye. They paid their respect and spent some time with Harry's family. The sudden death of their youngest son had put the entire family through trauma. Harry's mother was the most heartbroken. Being the youngest, Harry was pampered by his parents a lot. He had an older brother who was very loud and cheerful. But today, the whole family was quiet. Too quiet. Anyone could see that they were fighting to hold back their tears as hard as they could to not break down. It felt as if their happiness had been grabbed and ripped apart without any mercy.

" Harry was more than a friend to me." John began his eulogy with tears clouded up in his eyes. " He was like a brother. He had my back since middle school. I still remember clearly when the bully held me by my shirt and rose me up against the lockers as I tried to defend myself because I said no to give him my lunch, everyone was watching but it was Harry who, without thinking twice, came to my rescue. And we were friends ever since. And till today, he had my back whenever I needed him. All the times we won & all the times we lost, you were always with me. All the memories we made, all the pranks and all the fun we had, will be forever alive in my heart. I really wished that you would be here right now so that I could hug you and tell you how much I miss you." It became harder for John to continue as he began choking. But he continued. " No one could ever replace you, Harry. I hope you're in a better place and at peace." John ended with a tear rolling down his cheek.

There was a brief moment of silence where everyone mourned, put flowers on Harry's coffin, and prayed one last time before Harry's casketed body was buried.


"John?" Hannah knocked on his door. " You alright? "

John rubbed his teary eyes, turned to face the door, and said, "How am I supposed to?"

Hannah walked up to him and rubbed his back.

"I know it's hard. But I don't think he'll be happy if he sees his best friend in this situation. And I know for sure that Harry would want your happiness above all." Hannah said to comfort John.

John sobbed and looked out of the window. The horrifying scene of the last night came in front of him. He could remember every single detail so vividly as if it was happening right now. He closed his eyes as fast as he could trying to shake it off but it wasn't working. He saw the glowing red & white eyes of the girl staring right into his soul and her sinister smile which caused his heart to stop for a second. He pressed his eyes hard and shook his head when Hannah put her hands on his shoulder which caused him to jolt.

"John? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." John avoided the question as he thought that Hannah won't believe him.

Hannah took a deep breath and said, " It's alright. If you need anything I'll be downstairs." And then she turned the knob slowly, closing the door behind her.

"How is he coping ?" A worried Mrs. Jackson asked Hannah as she came down the stairs.

Hannah bit her lips and shook her head. The loss of Harry had caused a great impact on John.

Suddenly, Hannah stopped in her tracks as her phone's screen lit up with a message. It was from Emily.

' Hannah, I saw a woman with the stone downtown. Meet me ASAP.'

Not believing what she just read, she called the church to confirm whether or not the stone was still there. After getting a reply from the church, Hannah texted Emily.

' The stone's still in the church. How is it possible? Are you sure of what you saw?'


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