103. Sacrifice

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"Ain't that right, Father Murphy?" Diana asked in a sinister way.

Seeing Father Murphy still confused, Father Williams continued, "Let me explain. First of all, I was sent by Diana to gain your trust and to make you believe that I came here to help you fight the curse and Diana. You should give me props for how convincing I was though," Father Williams said feeling proud.

"And once I gained your trust, it was an easy ride from there. All this time you were thinking that I was helping you but my real motive was to help Diana. All the spells and the barriers you thought were holy and protected the Church against her, well, they were quite opposite. They all boasted her power. For example, right now you thought I was helping you slowing Diana down, but I was only helping her getting more powerful.

So you see your question of 'what are we doing wrong' should actually be 'what am I doing wrong' and that is so easy to answer - trusting me."

Saying this, Father Williams reached for something in his pocket. When he took it out, Alex stood there - shocked.
She wished that Emily was here as she saw Father Williams took out a knife. "Good thing I always carry a knife with me."

Alex looked around for Emily. She saw her and Clyde fighting off the pawns. Emily and Clyde were battered and bruised but yet they still stood strong and continued to fight. Seeing their spirit she knew that she had to do something. It was up to her.

Emily and Clyde are outnumbered but that isn't stopping them from fighting for the right thing. They must be scared. They must be afraid. They must be getting weak. But all of that isn't holding them back.

C'mon Alex, you can do it! You can stand upto Father Williams. You have to stand upto Father Williams. He needs you. You have to do it before it is too late.

Alex gave one final look towards Emily and Clyde and filled her lungs with the air of courage.

C'mon Alex! You can do this!

The knife was only a few inches away from piercing Father Murphy's skin when Alex gathered her courage and pushed Father Williams, knocking the knife from his hand onto the ground which fell with a sonorous sound.

Father Williams, still dumbfounded, kept looking at Alex and then the dropped knife and then towards Father Murphy who were thanking Alex.

"First David, and now him?" Diana said angrily. "You are nothing but a weed!"

Diana looked towards Father Williams, "Take care of him," she turned to face a scared-looking Alex, "while I take care of her."

Father Williams picked up the knife which was dropped not too far away from him and got up with a bolt, "Goodbye, Father Murphy. It's time for you to meet Jesus." There was an eagerness to kill in his voice. The blade of his knife was getting hungry for Father Murphy's blood.

Saying this, Father Williams ran towards Father Murphy and ran the knife across his arm, making him bleed. Father Murphy screamed as he covered the cut with his other hand. The pain was slowly getting unbearable but he wasn't going down without a fight.

With the blood-covered hand, he led Father Williams towards the statue of Jesus Christ. "Father Williams, you can't give in to the evil. You are stronger than this. Let the light in. You have to fight her. Believe in Him, because He believes in you. You can't let the evil win."

But despite an attempt to make him understand, Father Williams got closer and closer to a bleeding Father Murphy with the knife.

Father Williams were just about to stab Father Murphy when Father Murphy placed a cross on Father Williams's forehead and began murmuring something with his eyes closed.

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