50. Back Home

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It was near to dawn when the two of them were only a few miles away from home. Thankfully, the whole ride back home went smoothly. The radio playing upbeat songs, kept them from falling asleep. The first ray of the sun was beginning to light up the sky with the full moon still looking down on them. They rolled their windows down as they felt the refreshing morning breeze and the birds began to chirp. Slowly, they could see more rays of the sun from the horizon onto their right.

"One thing I still couldn't understand," John turned his head to the driver's seat to face Emily, "is that how did this," John took out the same rectangle-shaped box with which he hit Father from his pockets. "ended up in my pocket? I do not remember picking it up and keeping it here though." John scratched his head and placed the box on the back seat.

With her eyes still on the road, Emily slowed the music down and replied, "Why are you surprised, John? Don't you remember the weird habit of yours - grabbing anything that is near you when you are scared or afraid?"

"Aaah," John replied as if his senses came kicking right back, "I remember- I don't know why I do it though - and because of this stupid habit Diana tricked us through the Ouija board and came back from dead. If I had never grabbed the board from the attic, this would never have happened."

"Look on the bright side, John," Emily looked at John real quick and then her eyes were back on the road, "It was because of this weird habit of yours that you grabbed this box which helped save you and -"

Emily was cut off from the ringing sound of her cell phone.

"It's in the glove box," Emily told John, "can you answer it?"

John opened the box and took out the phone. "It's my dad." He picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" John was thinking why would his dad call on Emily's phone? Then he remembered that his phone was left back at the house which he is not going back to get it.

"John? Is that you?" Mr. Jackson sounded happy, worried and doubtful all at the same time - like you have lost something close to you days ago and when you look at 'lost and found' you see something similar to the thing which you have lost from far, you are happy that you've found it but at the same time you are unsure whether it really is your lost thing.

"Yes, Dad, it's me. I'm with Emily."

"Thank God, you are safe. Where's Hannah?"

There was complete silence at that question and they both could feel that Mr. Jackson was getting worried.

"John, where is your sister?" Mr. Jackson didn't want to sound perturbed, but inside he was when no sound came for a few moments.

"Emily's driving me back home. We'll reach there soon and I'll tell you everything." He knew that his dad will get worried sick if he told him that his daughter got possessed by the most sinister spirit, so he diverted the topic. "How's, mom?"

"She's getting much better"

It worked.

"and the doctor said that they would give her discharge soon."

"That's great news, Mr. Jackson," Emily spoke. "We'll be there in a couple of hours."

- - - - - - - - -

"Dad!" John opened the door of the hospital room where his mom was admitted.

"Shhh," Mr. Jackson whispered softly.

John and Emily looked around and saw Mrs. Jackson sleeping.

"I'll leave you two alone," Emily whispered. "I got a call from home. I got to go now but if you need anything, call me."

Mr. Jackson thanked Emily before she went out of the door.

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