79. The Link

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"And, here I was," Emily continued, "thinking that maybe you could tell us, give us some hints to help defeat her, that maybe the past would help us, but," she placed her head in her hands - feeling defeated and hopeless.

"No one's defeated or hopeless in His home," Father said in a calm voice.

"I know, I know, but I thought that..."

"That thinking about or solving the links of the past could help you prepare for the battles of the present?" Father said getting up. "What happens in the past only teaches us a lesson, Emily. We shouldn't be completely dependent upon that. The present changes and so does the acts of the people along with it. Solutions differ along with different timelines - what solved the problem before doesn't mean that the same solution can always solve the same problem at a different time. But that shouldn't mean that you were wrong looking in the past for the solutions, sometimes what you are looking for can be found somewhere else - at the same time. And when you combine the solutions from the past and the present, there you go, you have the ultimate key. "
Father smiled.

Emily smiled back but there were questions circling like restless vultures around her head. "Ok, but then what about the curse? You must know how to break it. Don't you Father? How can we find a pure heart, an untainted heart in a world so cruel?"

Father smiled again, "Emily, you're looking at wrong places, child."

Looking at the confused look on Emily's face, Father Murphy continued, "Each and every one of us is a combination and summation of the good we do, the wrongs we do, the amends we make, the regrets, the sacrifices we do to make others and ourselves happy, that's what makes us humans. But most importantly, how we learn from our mistakes and do not do them ever again.

You see, we all have a portion of a black heart within us. But for God, everyone is His child. He shows his wrath but forgives those who really repent their mistakes and never do them again. And that's what makes a pure heart.

It doesn't matter if you have done bad deeds in your past, but what matters is you never repeat them and walk on the path of helping others. That's what makes a kind soul. "

Emily got up with the fuel of hope again inside her. "You're right, Father. Maybe the lock of the present cannot be opened alone by the key of the past. But now, we don't know where to look or where to search. I know that even though no one knows what would happen if all the three pieces were combined, but we are willing to take that chance. We have two major problems to eradicate once and for all - the sleeping curse and Diana."

Father took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully. With a brief pause looking at Christ statue he said, "Do you know Scarlett Swift?"

Emily stood there shook. 'How does Father know about her?' She thought.

Composing herself, Emily nodded.

"Good, I suggest you meet her again. You'll find the answers."

"Father," Emily couldn't help herself. "May I ask how do you know about Scarlett?"

Father smiled. "Maybe some other time? Right now, we are running out it."

Unanswered, Emily got up and began walking towards the door with Clyde following her.

He's right. I can ask him that any other time but right now, it's time to pay her a visit. But if she knew the answers all along, why didn't she tell us in the first place? But most importantly, where will we find her? She and her family had already left the town.

"Father," Emily stopped in her tracks and turned around. "Where can we find her? She and her family had left this town and now we don't have a clue as to where she could be."

"Her family is staying near the purple water lake which is behind the Golden gate town in the west end. But be quick, they'll be moving soon as the curse killed a boy last night - the first death in the town."

Emily nodded and she was about to turn around when she heard Father say her name.

"Emily?" Father stopped her. "And remember, Diana has a way of controlling people's mind and body - just like she did with Amber Montana when she tried killing her father that night. So, beware, if the history repeats itself or if Diana got a hold of any of us, she has her pawn and then, it would've been too late. So, you have to do something before Diana begins to take over any of you. If she does, then she would've created a link between her and the person whose mind she had taken over, and then the only way to break that link is the death of that person. "

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