87. 'THE' Person

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"You can't go, Scarlett," Emily said. "especially, not now!"

"I understand, Emily, but we have to move."

"But Scarlett," Clyde jumped in, "there's so much unexplored. We still need your help! We don't even know who the person is which has the kind and pure heart to lift this spell!"

Emily nodded her head in agreement.

"Well..." Scarlett said in a high pitched voice, "I think, I might know but -"

"Who?" Clyde cut her due to his excitement.

"I mean I'm not sure. I have my doubts, but -"

"No worries," Emily said in between. Part of her was excited and relieved that if not all the solutions to their problems, at least one solution will be found. And if they would be successful in lifting the spell, then Diana would stop creating her pawns. But half of her was scared. What if it's just her doubt but what if she's wrong? But the thought of lifting the curse and ending the pawn chain overpowered everything. "At least there's something better than nothing! Please, Scarlett, tell us! We are clueless here!"

Scarlett took a deep breath. She looked one time towards the house and saw no one coming outside. She closed her eyes and said, "It's you, "

"You, who?" Clyde asked.

"It's you, Emily," Scarlett said with a nervous smile.

"What in the world did you just say?" Emily, as well as Clyde, was dumbfounded. Both of them looked at each other not believing that 'Emily' could be 'THE' person to break the spell. "How can you say that? I am not that pure. I have my share of lies and things that I have done. How can I be the one?"

"Listen, Emily," Scarlett said in a calm voice. "Do you two remember what Father Murphy told you about the person?"

After thinking for a bit, Clyde responded, "Yes, we do."

Clearing his throat, Clyde began dramatically as if he was Father Murphy himself, "We all have a portion of black heart within us. But for God, everyone is His child. He shows his wrath but forgives those who really repent their mistakes and never do them again. And that's what makes a pure heart.

It doesn't matter if you have done bad deeds in your past, but what matters is you never repeat them and walk on the path of helping others. That's what makes a kind soul. "

"Woah!" Emily was impressed. "Did you record his speech or something?"

"No," Clyde defended himself.

"It's his memory!" Scarlett said with a smile. "I know right! Sometimes I'm jealous too."

"But what does it have to do with me?" Emily asked.

"Pay attention to Father's words, Emily. Even though you made mistakes in the past, did you repeat them even after learning your lessons?"

Emily got quite for a while looking directly into Scarlett's eyes. "No,"

"And, you think for the betterment of others. Helping others. I don't see why you're not a kind of a pure soul."

"But Scarlett," Emily took a breath and swallowed her saliva. "don't we all have done something in our past that we regret or learned from and did not repeat them? If your theory is true, then everyone should be 'THE' person!"

"I agree, we all have made mistakes, learned from them, moved on, helped others. But, none of us have done the things which you have."

At that point, Emily was totally lost and so was Clyde.

"What are you talking about?" Clyde asked Scarlett.

"Emily had done things which no one else could. I mean," Scarlett looked at Emily. "You were the one who told Hannah about the stone for the first time. Why? You could have left the topic altogether."

"But she's my best friend. How can I when I know the bad omen the stone could bring?"

"Exactly, even though you knew that the stone was a bad omen which meant that it could affect anyone near it - including you too. But still, you warned her."

"But any best friend would do that."

"Alright, what about this? All this time, you are involved in this, helping John and Hannah to find an end to Diana even though you know that the cursed stones do not spare anyone who has relations to John. But still, you continued to help. Any 'other' person or any 'best friend' would never put their lives as well as their family's lives at risk like that. But you stood by John and Hannah helping them.

And even when you had your mushroom's allergy out of nowhere and when Diana almost killed you at the Diner, anyone else surely would have backed out. But you still stood with them and are still helping them.

Even after you got better, you went to the Church to look for John. And even with Petunia's death, John being the pawn, and Hannah's possession and with so much danger, you are still helping them as if it was your own without even second-guessing the things the stone can do to you too."

There was a pause between the three of them. There wasn't a single sound that could be heard except their breaths.

"She's right, Emily," Clyde said breaking the silence. "Think about it, no one else could do such things as you did for John and Hannah and the quest to find an end to Diana. Even with all those threats and deaths and dangers, you haven't backed out.

And trust me, even though people do bad things in the past, learn and do not make the mistakes again and even though people help each other, no one stand by anyone if there's a question about their lives.

You have a lot of bravery inside you, Emily. And I trust Scarlett when she says that you're 'THE' person because no one is kind enough to risk their lives in danger just to help their friends who are not even related by blood. And no one is pure enough to not see what they would get in return for helping other people. You are helping the Jacksons family with selfishness and most importantly put them as well as their family in utmost danger to face the most feared spirit."

Biting her lips, Emily stared at Scarlett and Clyde without saying a word. Even though she wanted to resist, she couldn't. What they were saying was true.

"So, what do I have to do to break the spell?"

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