34. Helpless Shouts

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Terrified, she breathed hard through her mouth as the girl singing her name played like a loop in the background.

"STOP!" Rose yelled as she covered her ears with her cold and trembling hands.

Suddenly it all stopped. Nothing came through the speakers. Slowly, Rose uncovered her ears, lifted her face and unsurely, opened her eyes.

She kept staring at the radio. Even though the sound died down but inside she was getting a feeling that something worst was going to happen. Like an odd vibe.

And she was right.

Disturbing piano sounds started playing through the speakers and then something faint came through the air vent as if someone was murmuring something.

Rose moved closer and closer to the speakers, trying to figure out what it was when she heard, in the same demonic voice, "Goodbye, Rose".

She jolted upright and then she heard her children calling out for her. A stream of relief ran through her blood as she thought, someone, came. She'll be safe now.

But this is where she thought wrong.

When the sounds of her children came, she looked through the rear-view mirror when she saw from the corner of her eye a dark figure sitting in the passenger's seat next to her.

Turning slowly with her heart in her throat, she shrieked, "Who are you?"

The figure tilted its head towards the right, took out a knife, and held it high.

"NO! DON"T!" She cried helplessly.


"MOM!!!" John yelled. "Please mom, please get out of the car!" He was on the verge of tearing up.

"John, look at me. " Hannah could see her brother was about to have a breakdown. "You're braver than this. You are our super John! We will save our mom. We won't let anything happen to her. Call 911." Hannah instructed. "MOM!" She yelled and honked hoping her mom would hear. She couldn't see anything as the car's window was covered in a blanket of mist. They both feared but prayed that it shouldn't be what they think it is. But the one name echoed in the back of their head - Diana.

"Why isn't she applying the brakes? If she goes on, she would collide with the giant swan statue in front of the restaurant."

While John was on the phone, Hannah continued to yell. Her vocal cords were about to give up but she didn't care. It was the least of her concern right now. All she had in her mind was the safety of her mom.

Hearing the helpless shouts of the children, a mob of people assembled and some in their vehicles began following Mrs. Jackson's car, honking. Amidst all this commotion, Mrs. Jackson's car continued to move ahead without any sign of stopping. It appeared as if her car was enveloped by a vacuum chamber, unaware and unaffected.


"Stop! Don't hurt me." Rose begged.

But the knife only inched closer and closer.

Suddenly, Rose's life flashed in front of her eyes when she heard a loud bang. Her car came to an abrupt and jerky stop when the car's bumper hit the swan statue which caused the headlights to shatter and the statue to break. A part of the statue came crashing the windowpane inside, with the sharp glass pieces and pointy beak of the swan digging deep inside Rose's skin causing blood spatter everywhere.

Rose shrieked louder and cried as it pierced her hands deeper and deeper. Her world spun around as the surroundings began to become a bit blur. Before being engulfed by the darkness, she heard the crying sounds of her children and David calling for her, sounds of sirens, and some unfamiliar sounds.

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