32. Emily's Help

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"Hey, Emily! I brought you your favorite flowers!" Hannah said keeping the bouquet of fragrant red roses on the side table near Emily's bed with other packets and get-well-soon cards. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better, I guess?" Emily replied, trying to get up being careful not to get her hands entangled again in the medicine tube from her hand to the intravenous bag. "The doctors said that the recovery is going on - that I'll be ready to join you all, to finally go home in 1 or 2 months. Can't wait! Uggghhhh it's so boring lying here all day and night. I really miss you guys. At least my favorite crime shows keep me company. " Emily said looking at the T.V. screen which had her show in a paused mode - the detective girl was inspecting a dead, probably a murdered body.

Hannah giggled and said, "I'm really sorry, Emily. I know it's been months. I wanted to meet you but been caught up in this crazy, weird thing which is going on."

"It's about Diana. Isn't it?"

Hannah nodded.

Emily exhaled a deep breath and said, "Well, what's going on? Anything on the 3rd stone?"

"Well, not yet but we do know where to look," Hannah replied telling her everything which happened in the past couple of days and months - How when they couldn't come up with anything that could lead them further, John remembered that he saw the hooded man the day he got that stone, how they went to Jordan to paint the sketch of that man, how he told them that the man had died, how a man was helping them out which they later found out was a friendly ghost, the paranormal happenings in Nick's house, how they found out Nick's diary and the entries that it contained, the photograph and how they think that somehow the clue for the 3rd stone could be inside that house somewhere.

"God! That was a heck lot of stuff!" Emily's eyed widened. "So, where is that house?"

"That is the thing which we don't know yet," Hannah said resting her chin in her palms.

"Do you have that photograph with you, Hannah?"

Hannah nodded, took it out of her jean's pocket, and handed over to Emily.

With the syringe tube still inside her skin, with weak fingers, she held it and gave it a quick look.

"It's really old - "

" - centuries old." Hannah corrected.

"Anyway," Emily really squinted her eyes as if trying really hard to figure out or inspect the picture. "I think, maybe I can be of your help." She said after minutes of staring at it.

Hannah gave her a what-are-you-trying-to-say look.

"I think, maybe I have seen this house."

"You sure? Where?"

She shrugged. "Maybe. I mean, when I was on a family vacation last year and we were heading to my cousin's house to pick them up, on the way we took a break and relaxed on the grass field. Remember I shared photos with you? "

Hannah gave it a thought, recollecting her memory, and nodded.

"Well, check it out. Maybe I think this house was somewhere near it and if my angles and backgrounds were right, I think we could find it."

Hannah quickly took her phone out, clicked on the Gallery, and clicked on the folder which Emily had shared.

Scrolling through a bunch of photos, Hannah finally found out the pictures which Emily was talking about.

Emily posed in a floral yellow sleeveless sundress with a hat, under the shade of a big old green tree which was in the company of some lush grasses and bushes in the field. It looked normal at first. But when she zoomed in on the background, she could see some building. After carefully comparing it with the photograph, she said, "I think, that's it! It's not clear but still, some outer details match."

"You know, at first I was reluctant to go as I wanted to go somewhere else without my cousins or anyone but my family thought otherwise. And now, I think maybe it was the right choice to go, 'cause, if it wouldn't have been for this trip, we wouldn't have found it out or maybe we wouldn't have found it out sooner."

"You always know how to help me out, Emily," Hannah said hugging her.

Their best friend's moment was disturbed when someone came through the door.

"It's time for your check-up, Ms. Watkins."

In the hospital uniform, it was the nurse. She sounded really friendly and sweet. Though she was young, her face reflected a level of maturity and care for her patients. She walked towards the two girls and went near the intravenous bag stand.

"So, where is this location?" Hannah asked putting her phone back.

"Go about 500 miles north to the East High and look around. I think you'll find it."

"I'll text John to let him know," Hannah said getting up. "You take rest now. See you soon. "

Emily nodded and Hannah gave her hand a gentle squeeze before getting up and heading out.

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