64. The Embalming

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"Did you hear the news, Camila?" Mr. Shaw asked his wife who was in the middle of the embalming process.

She was the same age as that of Mr. Shaw. She was wearing a light blue colored mask, pale white gloves, and a blue thumb loop embalming gown to protect herself from the germs as she sat near Petunia's corpse which was lying on a mortuary embalming table. The room was a mid-sized room with a sink in the middle of a granite platform, white cupboards above and below the sink that stretched from one end of the room to another end of the room in front of where Camila and the table were. On the granite platform, below the top layer of cupboards was a centrifugal pump, a container containing embalming fluids, and some other equipment and tools. On the left wall were a clock and a dustbin farther away. Near Camila was a medium-sized steel trolley with three sections. The top section contained a tray with all the equipment like dressing forceps, scalpels, various types of scissors, needle injectors, and other embalming tools. Below that were other tools like arterial tubes, Luer lock attachments, mouth formers, eye caps, and others while different headsets were in the bottom section.

"Yes, I have," Mrs. Shaw replied. "It is really sad and weird at the same time. I still couldn't figure out what exactly is happening. It is like it defies all the rules of science and nature."

"Another two neighborhoods have been hit, " Mr. Shaw said. "And, it is not even like it is following a path or a route. Random houses are suffering. And that makes it even scarier. No one knows which house or neighborhood would be targeted next." He took a brief pause and then said, "Do you think we should move? With all this unnatural phenomenon occurring, I am really concerned about our safety, Camila."

"I'm concerned too, Louis. But we cannot just leave leaving everything like this. We have a responsibility in our hands right now. But as soon as we are done with this, we'll be moving without wasting any more minute." Camila said as she picked up a scalpel from a tray near her.

"Alright. You continue with the process and I'll be in the office. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson would come the next morning."

Camila nodded.

Saying that Louis left the room.

With the body laid down on its back with its head positioned in the headset, she massaged the body to flex it and relieve any stiffening so that the body would properly receive the embalming fluid and to help with the rigor mortis. She looked at the photograph of Petunia beside her to fix her by referencing it.

Since her eyes and forehead were completely destroyed, Camila first fixed that area creating a visual of her eyes being shut. Next, she wired her jaws to keep them in position and stitched her gums and lips.

Next, she used a centrifugal pump to pump the embalming fluid in the body as the blood was being drained. After the fluid had been pumped in the body, she began to close the incisions.

Suddenly the lights in the room began flickering causing Camila to look up at the fluorescent lights.

That's unusual. She thought. I've never seen the lights flicker this much.

Ever since Camila was a child, she never believed in supernatural or paranormal. According to her everything has a reason behind it. She believed in facts and science more than the ghostly stuff. Her friends would often get scared when the lights display a strange behavior or when weird noises came from a room but not her. She always has a reason for all the happenings. She respected the spirits but never believed in the paranormal which they show in the movies.

With no one in the room except her and the body, she felt as if someone was breathing on her neck. She touched the back of her neck with her fingers. But felt nothing.

What the heck is happening here? I did feel a patch of cold air. Where did it come from? There isn't any source behind me for any air to flow.

Now she started to feel cold and warm breaths. She quickly turned around but she was alone. No one else was there.

First the flickering and now this?

And then with a loud bang, the electricity went out. Camila looked around and started walking towards one of the cupboards to search for a flashlight.

When she was closing the cupboard door with a small flashlight in her hand, she heard a knock on the window towards her right. She turned around but it was only the branches causing the noise. She then started walking towards the door to look for the fuse when all of a sudden, she saw a hand banged on the window glass. She got startled causing her flashlight to hit the grey tiles.

The hand slowly started retracing back with the nails clawing on the glass.

It must be the kids - taking advantage of the power out the situation and trying to scare me.

Gathering herself, she bent down to pick up the flashlight but she couldn't find it.

Weird, I heard it dropped here only. Where could it roll off to? Anyway, I can't waste any more time. A lot still needs to be done.

She searched for her phone near the platform. She unlocked it and turned on the flashlight.

"Louis," She yelled looking at the door. "Did you check the fuse?" She waited for a while but no response came. "Louis," She yelled again with her flashlight towards the door.

Suddenly weird sounds began to come from the outside which felt like the rubbing of one's palm together - like someone was rubbing their palms slowly - but the sound began to intensify with every second of the clock as the hand ticked.

"Very funny, Louis, I know it's a perfect atmosphere to scare but you ain't scaring me."

She waited. But no voice came back.

"Louis?" She began walking towards the door.

Suddenly she felt like someone whispered her name from behind her. She turned around holding her phone with her flashlight illuminating the room behind her. She jolted back and fell on the floor with a loud gasp hitting her head with the doorknob seeing Petunia's body sitting up on the table facing her.

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