28. Where The Dead Lived

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"Oh, My God!" John stared at the lifeless eyes of the dead lunatic in horror. He was about to run but the man stopped him.

"But you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm a good spirit. "

"How can we believe you?" Hannah and John moved closer to each other.

" If I had any intentions to harm you, why would I guide you when you needed answers? "

"Maybe it could be some sort of your plan or- " John started but suddenly was interrupted by Hannah.

"How are we seeing you? You're just an apparition. How can anyone see you?" Hannah moved her arm forward and tried to touch him but her hands went right through his body.

"Well, not anyone. Only you two."

"So, wait!" It was like something came to John's mind. "That's why people were giving us weird looks! They must be thinking that we're going insane, talking to no one. "

The dead man smiled.

"Anyway, you didn't answer the why part." Hannah really wanted to know why he was helping them and can be seen by them only and not by anyone else.

"I'm a kind spirit and I like to help people. I thought you guys need my help and guess what? I was right. So, here I am, and trust me I'm not here to harm anyone. I can't even kill a mosquito - let alone a human being. " He giggled.

Hannah and John were relieved of hearing that.

"So, can you tell us where can we find this friend of yours?" John asked feeling comfortable.

"Well, he ain't here and if he was he won't meet you. But I know his house. Maybe that can help you."

Hannah and John followed him.

After a few minute's walk, and a few turns, they stood in front of an old rusted house.

It was a really old, washed up, house due to weather with a sagged roof. The windows of one side were boarded up and the windows of the other side had broken glass, through which the winds were moving the dirty, cobwebbed curtains. The wild, dried grasses were invading everywhere, growing in random directions. The house was very old and looked as if it could fall any moment now but strangely enough, it stood strong.

"There you go." The man said as he was about to leave.

"Can you help us with one last thing?" Hannah stopped him.

"What would that be?"

"Do you know anything about Diana and the stones?"

It was like Hannah just asked the forbidden question. His face turned pale - paler than the ghostly pale that it already was.

"I can't - I can't put you guys in grave danger. She was the reason for my friend's condition. If you value your life, turn back now. And don't ever return!"

Saying this, he started to dissolve in the air.

" We've had enough of Diana! " Hannah yelled remembering the lives of the loved ones they had lost and the lives they had put in danger. " We have lost enough lives! What more danger can our life be in than it already is now?" She yelled but the man's spirit began to vanish in thin air as people on the streets were watching the two yellings at no one.

After a while, it was only them all alone in front of the house which they hoped would give them some answers.


As John and Hannah stepped foot inside the dust-filled house, the wooden floor beneath their feet creaked.

"It's really old," Hannah said watching her every step. "We have to be careful, it feels like the floor could break anytime."

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