75. The Red Light

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Clyde looked down while four eyes stared at him filled with curiosity.

"Unfortunately, Emily," Clyde said, "I do not know where the third piece is."

"What? Why?" John asked. "You and Nick were the ones who took the stone from the house and brought it with you. That's why when Hannah and I went to Nick's old house, we couldn't find the stone. So, that must mean that the stone has to be in your old house!"

"But wait," John continued after a brief pause. "But the house collapsed when Hannah and I ran outside." He let out a sigh.

"That, and" Clyde began, "Nick and I couldn't find the stone anywhere in the house after the third night since we brought the emerald stone with us. We searched the house but did not find it. Only Nick and I knew about the stone. None of us saw it after that day - it was like it somehow mysteriously disappeared."

"How's that possible?" Emily asked. "Did thieves or something like that come?"

Clyde shrugged.

"So, now what?" John sounded defeated. "We are back at where we started."

"John, don't lose your hope so soon," John felt Emily's hand on his shoulder. "There's one path of a clue left unexplored."

John and Clyde looked with confused expressions.

"It's time to revisit the past." Emily sounded so determined and brave as a warrior before the war begins.

"Emily, we do not watch detective shows," John looked at Emily whose eyes were fixed at something like she was lost in her thoughts like planning a course of action. "We have no idea what you just said. Can you please decrypt?"

Emily shook her head and smiled a bit. "Remember how Father Murphy told us that he had encountered Diana in the past too? So, I'm saying that it is time to meet Father Murphy and ask him what happened in the past. We will definitely get a clue as to what can we do next. " Emily paused for a while and then said, "History is the key to the lock of the present."

Just then the red light of the operation theatre began fading as a doctor wearing green operation theater scrub suit came out.

Rose immediately got up, wiped the tears on her wet cheek, and asked the doctor who was taking off his mask, "Doctor, how is David? Please tell me he is alright."

"Mrs. Jackson," The doctor said in a calm voice, "don't worry, the operation was successful but still there are so many precautions that we have to take. But yes, he is alright now. He needs a lot of rest. It's better for his eyes."

Rose thanked the doctor and asked when her husband can get discharged.

"We have to keep him in the hospital today and tomorrow - to keep him under observation, but after two days of his stay here, you can take him home." He said with a smile and then after excusing himself he went away towards a nurse who called for him.

"That's great news," Emily said with a tone of delight to Mrs. Jackson who was thanking God from the bottom of her heart.

Rose nodded and smiled back as they saw an unconscious David coming out of the operation theatre on a gurney along with two nurses.

"John," Emily looked at John who was standing next to his mother with his eyes moving along with the gurney.

Hearing Emily calling out his name, he looked back at her.

"Stay with your family. They need you the most."

"But what about-"

"Don't worry about that, Clyde and I will meet Father Murphy and we'll tell you what we found out. You go with your mom. We'll see you soon."

Saying this, Emily and Clyde left the building as John and Rose went towards the room where David was being taken to.

- - - - - - - -

" Father? " Emily called as she and Clyde stepped foot inside the Church.

"Ah, Emily," Father Murphy replied as he turned around from hearing his name with a book in his hand - he must've been reading it. He paused for a while with his eyes fixed behind Emily. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if he was analyzing something. "I see you've brought someone else with you too."

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