93. The Answers

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"How's he now, doctor?" Rose was sitting beside David who had now gained full consciousness with their son, John standing on the other side of the bed with his arms folded.

Earlier that day, David was feeling better - better enough to start a conversation about how he is feeling alright to go home - but Rose insisted that taking a doctor's opinion is a must as she still thinks that David needs rest no matter what he says.

The doctor ran a few tests in the morning and was looking at the results clipped to the board now.

With every turning page, John wished that the doctor would give good news. He hoped that his dad would get a discharge from the hospital so that they all would go home. Rose felt the same way.

"Please tell them doc that I'm perfectly fine to go home," David said still lying halfway in his hospital bed.

Rose shushed him in a playful way as they waited patiently for the doctor's reply.

"Well," the doctor began after scanning a few pages of the report. "Mrs. Jackson, I don't see why your husband can't get a discharge but -"

"Told ya," David cut the doctor in between to face his wife as he couldn't hold his excitement of being right and the feeling of finally be able to go home.

Rose shushed him again as she smiled at him. "I'm sorry, doctor. David can be a child sometimes."

The doctor smiled a bit and continued, "It's alright, Mrs. Jackson. You can take him home now. But continue to give him the medicines, don't forget to apply the ointment, and take care of his eyes. No tv, no phones, no anything with radiations. You can use the ice to soothe his eyes but just because he's getting a discharge doesn't mean he must not take rest."

"Don't worry, I will," David replied.

"Good." the doctor looked at David and then towards Rose. "I just want you to come with me to sign the discharge papers."

Rose nodded as she followed the doctor outside leaving an excited David with their son in the room.

- - - - - -

"Done." Scarlett descended down the stairs.

It didn't take long for Diana, Helena, Ryan, and Clyde to understand what she meant.

"No!" A weak Clyde who was still under the effect of the power of the pentagram struggled to get the words out.

Helena and Ryan looked at each other. If Emily's dead, what will they do now?

"Good job, Scarlett. I knew I can count on you." Diana looked at Scarlett.

Scarlett bowed down.

"This can't be happening," an alarmed Ryan said.

"Face it," Diana's voice reflected her victory. "Emily is dead. And it would be only a matter of few moments when I finish you all off and move all of you out from my path."

"You can't kill us and you know that," Helena said going towards a nearly fainted Clyde who fell on the floor.

Diana pouted her lips as she arched an eyebrow up in anger. "That doesn't mean I could make your sufferings any less. You'll all pay for your sins!" Diana said before leaving the basement with Scarlett following her.

"Are you alright?" Ryan and Helena helped him to get up.

Clyde nodded his head. The pentagram had drained almost all of his energy rendering him too weak to even speak.

"What do you mean that she can't kill us?" were the words Clyde struggled to get out from his mouth.

"We'll tell you everything later," Ryan said still being the half support of Clyde, Helena being the other half. "but first you need to rest. The more you rest, the more you'll recover soon."

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