106. The Cursed Stones

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"ARGH! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" Diana was scarier and angrier than ever before.

She began choking John with her telekinesis. "I'm sick of all the games. It's time to end everything."

John's eyes began to roll back. He was just a few moments away from meeting his demise when suddenly Tom barked and charged towards Diana. He bit her on her leg causing Diana to let John go and scream in pain as she stumbled .

"Good boy!" Emily said as Rose rushed towards her son.

"Stupid human body!" One could sense that Diana was more raged than ever. She looked down upon Hannah's leg from where blood was coming from - from the dog bite - and slowly the blood was stopping from oozing out and the wound began healing.

Diana got up and was about to charge at John again but Alex stood in her way.

"Diana, you are not evil. Please, I beg you to leave us alone, he had no intention to cause what he caused, he barely knew that the stone was cursed. I barely knew that the stone was cursed. And even if we knew, we don't have any ill-will. What wrong have the people that you killed did to you? Please Diana forgive us. We know what happened with you was wrong but - "

"ENOUGH! I don't wanna hear anything come out of your mouth. Move or else -"

"Or else what? You only said you can't kill me,"

"It's true, but I can surely make you wish that you would've died." Saying this Diana caused Alex's body to twitch, twist, and get deformed while Alex screamed and screamed and screamed in pain and fainted.

"John, are you alright?" Asked Father Murphy and took a sigh of relief when John nodded weakly.

"MOVE!" Diana threw Father Murphy - who was in her and John's way - away causing him to hit his back against the bark of a tree. One could hear the crackling sound of the bones and there wasn't any guessing that Father Murphy was in so much pain.

Diana was charging at John but Rose and Tom tried to slow her down.

Diana only laughed at their stupidity.

"Father Murphy," Emily whispered kneeling beside him. "Are you alright ?"

"Emily," Father Murphy had a hard time breathing. "Tell me, do you have the third stone with you now?"

"Yes, Father, but the other two were in a box inside the Church but now that the Church has turned into ruins -"

"Hannah!" Rose grabbed her arms with all her might. "I know you are still in there somewhere! You gotta fight, Hannah!" Tom began to bark loudly as if agreeing with Rose.

"I know my daughter is not that weak. C'mon, Hannah, find your way out, please,"

Diana clucked her tongue showing pity on Rose but she knew that it was nothing but fake. "Rose, it's too late now, she's gone."

"No! No! You are lying. C'mon, Hannah, I know you can hear my voice. Let it be the guide. C'mon, Hannah, come back!"

Diana laughed and without any effort, she moved Rose and Tom out of her way as she charged towards John who was kneeling beside his dad.

"Emily, just when the Church was shaking," Father's voice was on the verge of fading away, "I knew this would happen. I quickly went inside my office and took the two stones from the box and put them inside one of my pockets."

Emily saw Father Murphy reaching inside one of his pockets and grabbing onto something.

Diana stared at John with deadly eyes - a stone-cold-devil stare - and in no time, John kept looking into her eyes - blankly- without any movement.

Father Murphy took his hand out and slowly opened his fist to reveal two beautiful, mesmerising, emerald stones.

Emily reached in her pocket where she had kept the pendant with the third stone still attached.

Diana moved her fingers into the air forming some sort of a pattern with her stare still fixated on John. Soon, John's mouth slowly began opening wider and wider and wider as his eyes began to roll back into his eyelids revealing two white eyes. Diana turned her head in a small jerky motion to her right and John's lower jaw began to turn left.

"Quick! We don't have much time," Father Murphy began instructing in a weak-almost-gone voice seeing Rose's and Tom's unsuccessful attempts and John getting under Diana's control, "We need to combine the three, fast!" Father Murphy began coughing and continued to whisper as he gasped for air," John could be killed any moment now," He said with hope and fear intertwined still struggling to get the words out.

Suddenly, someone blocked Diana causing John to break free from her clutches. Rose and Tom rushed to John who was looking like a zombie with his body loose and no strength left at all.

Everyone looked at the silhouette of someone standing between John and Diana. Instead of John, that figure took Diana's blow and fell to the ground.

"Well, well, well," Diana said nonchalantly, "looks like someone loves to die again and again from my hands,"

Rose was about to thank whoever that was for saving her son, when that figure turned and faced the Jackson family.

It was Aunt Petunia's spirit which was now slowly fading.

"Petunia?" A shocked Rose asked.

"Aunt Petunia?" Emily shifted her focus, "I thought, Helena teleported every spirit and pawn to somewhere. Then how come you - "

"Emily, I'm really sorry for the things I did. I should've listened to you and John that night. I was about to go along with all the others but call it a gut feeling or whatever, but it was like I should stay instead of going. And I thank God to guide me.

Rose, listen, I don't have much time," Aunt Petunia apologized for every wrong thing she did to both of them. She apologized for the way she acted that night, the way she treated Hannah, she apologized for the time she tried to kill her niece and all those years she filled her mother's ears against Rose.

"You didn't have to do this, Petunia," David said with forgiven eyes.

"No, David, I should've done this long before." She told them it was her who forged Rose's signature and tricked her mom to sign the papers and blamed it onto Rose. She cried as she sat there with them and said sorry for everything she did and thanked Diana for whatever she had done because if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have realized what she did or the poison she was carrying all along.

Diana said nothing but kept on staring at her with her one brow arched.

"Thank you," David replied still groaning in pain from his broken and twisted ankle.

"This is the least I could do," Aunt Petunia smiled and began fading away. And thus, she sacrificed herself to save John.

"I hope you all enjoyed that little family reunion," Diana commented slyly. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes,"

"Hold it, Diana," Emily tried to put on a courageous face. "Not so soon,"

Even though she didn't know what consequences her action would bring but without wasting any time, Emily took the third stone which they had found from George's grave and united it with the stone found in the fire when Alex's house burnt down and with the stone found in the ocean on the beach by John - thus completing the empty spaces in the pendant.

But something inside Emily told her that it wasn't finished. It was far from finished.

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