47. The Ride

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He opened his eyes and looked at Father in the rearview mirror. His eyes were focused on the dark road lighted by the headlights. But the more he thought, the more different Father's demeanor felt.

Should I ask him? Or should I just let him drive? Besides all, I want now is to get to a safe place. But I have to ask. I want to know. Is he physic? Could he read minds? He has to be, otherwise, how could he know something that has never been told to him?

John hesitated for a bit and then asked, "Father,"

Father looked at him in the mirror.

"where are we going?"

"A safe place, John. You'll see."

A safe place? Where? The Church? Why can't he just say it?

"But where?"

"I told you, John. You'll be safe. You are not safe here but you are with me."

"But still, it'd be nice to know." He asked politely.

"You ask way too many questions, John. Don't you trust me?"

John could sense an air of exasperation.

"I do. But all I want to know is that,"

Father took a deep breath. The kind which you take when you have to act sweet and calm but inside you are getting irritated.

Why is he acting like this? There is something wrong. I can feel it. I need to know. Just rip the bandage, John.

"How did you know about the stones? I know for sure that we didn't tell you any of it."

John saw him closing his eyes, tilting his head to the side, and making a frown face.

"I told you, you told me. It's not important right now."

"It is. And why are you acting so mean? So different? Is something wrong?" John clenched his fists on the car seat as he looked at him with uncertainty.

"Wrong?" He gave a quick pause. "Something wrong?" His voice really began to get deep and annoyed. "Why can't you just sit back there and be quiet!" He shouted. "You're really irritating me. Now, no more words out of that mouth!" He banged his hands on the steering wheels so loud that it made John jolt back.

What the hell?!

Few seconds passed by in complete silence. And then Father spoke up, "Good. We'll reach our destination in a few minutes. You'll be safe." He looked at John in the mirror. "See, isn't it a peaceful ride when you shush your stupid mouth?"

Stupid? I don't think any Father can say in this tone. Something is really wrong. But I just can't put my finger on it.

John looked outside and mouthed "What?" He craned his head out of the window and gave a closer look at his surroundings.

Wait, didn't we cross this just now? And this isn't the way back to the Church! Oh my God, where is he taking me?

"Stop the car, Father!" There was firmness with slight fear in his voice.

"Stop? Here? Why? We'll be reaching soon."

"Reaching soon where? This isn't the way to the Church and we have crossed this path already. I don't know where you are taking me but stop. I need to get out of the car."

Father giggled which made John more confused.

"This car won't stop now but since you are so eager to get out, why don't you try to?"

John tried to open the door, but it was locked. He tried opening it again and again but no use. He just couldn't get out.

Father giggled again.

"Let me out! Now!" John felt helpless and a sense of feeling trapped started to kick in. He pulled the handle again and again but the door just won't open.

"You can't get away from me, dear brother,"

John froze. No, no, no. He gulped a knot of saliva and slowly turned his head and looked in the mirror and felt paralyzed after what he saw.

It wasn't Hannah in the driver's seat. It was still Father Williams but his body started twitching and his eyes completely went white - white as the snow.

Did Diana possess Father too? Oh lord.

Father stopped the car. He unbuckled his seat as the engine started to die. He slowly turned to face a frightening John and gave a big scary smile with a bunch of dented pointy teeth and complete blank white eyes.

John pushed himself back in his seats and his heart started pounding in his chest what felt like a million times per minute. He screamed.

"Ouch," Father put his index finger on one of his ears. "You really know how to scream, dear brother. And this stupid Father's ears are so delicate to any loud noises though."

John was so scared that he couldn't even move. It felt like something grabbed his hands and his body and tied them together.

"Anyway, aren't you smart, dear brother?" Father said as he slowly began to come closer to John inch by inch. "telling me that this was the wrong way and you were quick to figure out that you didn't tell him about the stones. Impressed."

John clenched his fists so hard that he could feel his nails digging in his palms. His face was no more than an inch close to Father's. He could feel the warm breath of Father's against his face. His whole body began trembling with fear.

Father opened his mouth to say something and John closed his eyes and pressed the lids hard against each other and turned away after looking at the teeth and his blank eyes coming at him.

Father looked down at John's fists. "Oh, brother."

John could feel Father's cold hand touching his which made him tremble even more.

Please help me. Please help me. Please.

"Don't waste your blood now, dear brother. Leave some for me too to enjoy!"

At that moment John heard something banged on the windshield which made Father look away.

This is my window.

John began looking everywhere for something to distract Father. Suddenly his hands touched his jeans pocket and he felt something in the shape of a bar. There wasn't any time to think. Father could turn back around any moment now to kill him. Without thinking anything, John took out whatever it was and when Father turned back around to face him with his mouth wide open, he hit him on his head with all the force that he had.

It worked. Father fell back. "Stupid human." He murmured as he felt warm drops of blood rolling down from the forehead.

"Leave. Me. Alone! Leave me alone!" John screamed as he hit Father's head multiple times with the bar-shaped heavy object.

John then broke the window glass with the same object and threw himself out after he knocked Father unconscious.

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