43. The Diversion

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"Jooohhn..." Hannah began to sing in a demonic kind of voice. "I told you we shouldn't play with it." With every word, her voice got deeper and deeper. "But I guess I should be thankful to you," Hannah said, and then with a jerk, she looked up at John. Her eyes were glowing red and a dark shadow loomed over her. Was she possessed?

"H-H-Han-Hannah?" John stammered in fear. He grabbed his phone and tried to turn it on but it wouldn't start.

"Darn it! Why are you not starting?" John agonized with his trembling fingers that weren't helping with the grip. He banged his phone on his palm but the screen was still black just like the blackness that they were in.

Hannah clucked her tongue five times in slow motion and moved her head from one side to another. "What's wrong, dear brother?" Hannah said in a mocking yet devilish tone, slowly getting up.

"Stop it!" John threw the vase at her. "You're NOT my sister!"

But Hannah dodged the vase. The vase fell on the floor with the shattering sound. "Oh, dear brother, I'm Hannah, you're sister and I think you know that throwing things at your sister is BAD, now, isn't it?" Hannah got off of the chair and stood up slowly - her body crooked with a hunched back. Through the little light coming from the windows, John saw Hannah's silhouette in front of him - her head tilted from left to right with a cracking sound. Her tensed fingers cracked as they moved inwards and outwards from her side. Her deformed arms and legs which were crooked began to slowly get in shape as she rose up and moved towards John extending her pointy and rotten hands.

"S-Stay away from me!" John screamed and took a step back.

"Oh dear, look at me," she said moving closer and closer, "where are my manners? I want to -"

John began moving backward one step at a time with his one hand still behind his head. He bumped into the corner of the dining table which caused the edge of the table to move a little inside his lower back. He groaned in pain as he felt his muscles tore up inside a bit.

"Careful, dear brother, don't hurt yourself, now. I don't want you to wind up in the hospital just like our stupid, little, poor friend - Emily, or our dear mother Rose, the excitement is just getting started and I do not want my dear brother to miss it! Now, where was I? Oh, right,"

"What do you want? You're not my sister! She would never call Emily stupid. She's her best friend! Stay away from me!" John started to search the room, looking for something big, small, sharp, blunt - anything that would help him create a diversion so that he could make a run for it.

"Best friends... right. Watch your tone, dear brother. I don't like it. That's not a way to talk to your big sister. Plus you seriously have a bad habit of interrupting your sister. I almost forgot what I was saying. Now, what was it?" Hannah paused for a short while and then said, "Right, I wanted to thank you, dear brother. If it wasn't for you or your stupid idea, I wouldn't have been free - would be trapped in the dead. Now, your sister will do all the work for me." Hannah laughed an evil laugh which echoed. "Without a body, I surely did many things. But now, I can do everything that I was waiting for so long. So, thank you."

The moonlight was still coming inside the windows, illuminating the room a little. Hannah was closing in on John. She was close enough for John to see that her body was twisted from the middle like someone grabbed two ends of her body and twisted it from her stomach, just like with a balloon to make animal-like figures.

Hannah closed in on him. John kept moving backward but felt the wall on his back. He felt trapped. Behind him was a wall with a window and in front of him was Hannah (not her sister).

"I can't believe how my dear brother can be so stupid. You really thought that I was that good-for-nothing, George? But then again, it's not your fault, you see. You haven't met him."

"Back away!" John yelled.

"I don't like that tone, dear brother. You really would want to fix it or else -"

"Or else what?" John fought back. "I want my sister back! Leave us alone!"

"Or else, I wouldn't mind setting up a meeting for you and George. But I don't think you would like where he is now or how I'll send you there, just like I did with him. You certainly should have left the stone alone but you couldn't give it a rest - "

"D-Diana?" His body was starting to get frozen up. He always knew that one day or the other, they have to come face to face with Diana but he never thought that he would meet Diana this way - inside her sister, possessing her. He would have never started with the Ouija board or with finding the pieces if he knew that it would lead him here - her sister getting possessed.

"You really are dumb, took you this long to figure out it was me all along. " Hannah scoffed. Her lower body and head remained in their position while her twisted stomach slowly started to twist counter-clockwise making a churning sound.

C'mon, there has to be something to create a diversion.

"I could end this by killing you but... Nah, it would be too soon and easy and besides it wouldn't be any fun just like it was fun for those three watching me bleed to death as they pushed me down the stairs. Now get ready for the fun to begin, dear brother!" Saying this, she lunged at John.

In the last second, John grabbed a broken, sharp glass piece from the windowpane. " Stop calling me that! I'm not your brother! " Hannah's hands were just a few inches away from strangling him when John stabbed Hannah's hand." I'm sorry, Hannah. "

" Ouch, " Hannah's hand recoiled.

This will create a diversion for a second. I better run.

Hannah looked at her palms. There was a scratch from the glass causing her hands to cover in a dark red liquid with blood dripping down her fingertips. "Stupid human body," she paused for a while and saw John running towards the door. "You forgot one thing though little John," Hannah said and in just one blink of an eye, she was in front of the door, her back facing the door and her face facing a terrified-looking John. "Humans may bleed, they may even bleed to death but how can someone that had already died die?" Hannah giggled.

"Please, let me go!" John begged as he saw the wounds of Hannah's hand slowly healing with the blood flowing backward from her fingertips back inside her palm. In no time, her hand was like nothing has ever happened.

John turned around and began to run away from the door.

C'mon, there has to be some other way out. But where? I have to find it fast.

"Run all you want to, John but you won't get far." Hannah stood there laughing an evil laugh, in front of the door watching John run down the hallway.

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