51. The Unknown Note

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"How could you leave my daughter alone there?" A mother's anger and love roared.

After John and Hannah left, David had told Rose about everything their kids had told him. She couldn't believe in anything at first but she believed her children and since then she prayed - prayed for the safety of her children, prayed to let nothing happen to them, prayed to give them the courage they need, and prayed for them to come back safe.

David went near Rose and began rubbing her back as she continued coughing.

After Emily left John and David with Rose, the entire night passed with the father and son taking turns to sleep on the couch while the other looked over Rose to make sure she was alright and that she didn't need anything. In the morning, when Rose woke up feeling a bit better with a mix of relief and happiness to see her son after such a long time, she panicked when everyone went silent when she asked about her daughter.

"David," She coughed a bit more, "how could you let that happen? She must be so alone. And how can you leave her there to die?" She turned to face John who was standing just a few inches away from her bed. "She is your sister, John! And you left her there?!" She held Mr. Jackson's hand and looked at him in the eyes. "She's in danger, David! We have to do something! She needs us."

When Hannah was just 1 year old, she had a burning fever - no one was sure about what caused the fever - but Rose knew that Hannah was in pain, even though Hannah didn't know how to talk. She felt so helpless as even though she wanted to help her daughter, she didn't know how to. One night, she saw Hannah shivering and twitching in her sleep. Rose tried to wake her up but she just kept continued shaking. David called the doctor but he told him that it'd take him some time to come. After a few moments, Hannah's shaking stopped causing Rose and David to become relaxed for a bit but then Rose noticed that her daughter wasn't breathing. She cried and shook Hannah but her heart broke into million pieces seeing her still a baby in front of her. Even though Hannah went back to normal after ten to fifteen minutes, she knew what it felt like to lose a child, how it felt like to see her child's body lying lifeless in front of her, how it felt to be helpless, how it felt to lose the most priceless piece of her from her life forever- a feeling that no mother or no parent should ever feel.

"I promise, mom," John began as he sat next to Rose, "that we'll bring Hannah safe back home. Don't worry. Just get better soon."

Rose smiled and stroked John's head. "I know you will, John. I'm just worried. I love you both to death. I don't want and can't see anything happening to you two or to our family."

David leaned forward to say something but his words stopped from escaping his mouth from a gentle knock on the door. It caused their heads to turn towards the sound.
It was the nurse Rosie.

"Hello, Mrs. Jackson," Rosie said entering the room with a warm smile on her face and some medicines on a tray, "hope you are feeling better,"

Rose reciprocated the smile with a nod.

"It's time for your walk and to get some fresh air," Rosie said keeping the tray on the side table. "After the routine walk," She said to David, "Mr. Jackson, make sure she eats her medicines," Rosie paused and looked at Rose, "even though she doesn't like them."

John giggled.

"What?" Rose began defending herself in a playful way, "they are not as sweet as they tell you,"

"Now, c' mon, Mrs. Jackson," Rosie and David helped Rose get up and they took her outside with John following them.

- - - - - - - - -

"Now, that was needed," David said helping her wife get back to her bed.

"I couldn't agree more," Rose replied. "this hospital smell can really be suffocating,"

"What's this?" John pointed at a beautiful bouquet of freshly sprinkled and picked red roses which filled the room with its fragrance, kept on the table beside Rose's bed.

Rose picked it up and smelled it taking in the sweet and fresh aroma of the roses, "Smells so good!" she exclaimed. "They are so beautiful! Who send it?"

"It wasn't here this morning," John said, "before we left for a walk. I'll call the nurse, maybe she knows who brought it for you."

After a few minutes, Rosie walked into the room.

"Ms. Rosie," David pointed at the flowers, "Can you tell us who brought them here?"

Rosie moved her eyes in the direction of the bouquet of roses that David was pointing at. She gave it a quick look - a rather doubtful look, and said, "Mr. Jackson, no one entered this room after you and Mrs. Jackson left."

"Are you sure?" John asked.

Rosie nodded her head in affirmation. "I was outside the whole time."

"Ms. Rosie," another nurse which looked a bit older than Rosie with a few strands of white hair and a stern look - a look that gave away the feeling like she was the kind of a person who could make a record for not laughing - not even a smile - at the most comedic movie ever - said from the door, "Dr. Gomez needs you in the O.T...Now."

With this, Rosie left the room leaving the Jackson family in a cloud of doubt.

"Weird, if nobody entered the room, how did this thing suddenly appear here?" Rose said keeping the roses back beside her bed.

John went near the bouquet and saw a note attached to it at the bottom. He picked it up and turned it around a couple of times, "Weird, no name's here," He read the note after opening it and stood still with his eyes froze on the text with black ink - The Lady in black is next.

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