102. Unmasked

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Clyde was right. It was only a matter of time before Diana and her pawns break the Church door.

There was a crack in the door, the hinges were getting loose, and the crack began turning into cracks as the banging sound continued.

"Father," Rose pointed towards the direction of the door.

"Don't worry, Rose, we're safe. Father Williams and I had put holy barriers. No evil soul can cross them." Father assured her but no soul was assured enough to ease their tensions as the sounds began to come from the walls all around them.

Then all of a sudden, the banging noises stopped. Everyone looked around in confusion. A part of them wanted themselves to believe that maybe it had worked, after all, maybe Diana failed to get inside, maybe they are safe. But they knew that no matter what, it was Diana that they were facing.

After a brief moment of silence, loud, continuous, ear-piercing shrieks filled the Church. Everyone screamed in pain with their hands over their ears, trying their best to stop the noises and the whispers that sounded like the devil but to no avail.

And then something happened which no one could ever guess - the Church door broke down and Diana entered the Church.

But how? Thought Father Murphy. He knew that Diana was strong but had no idea that she had become this strong to break into the Church despite all the efforts Father Williams and he made.

The battle between the souls and the pawns began - taking place inside, outside, and all around the Church.

While the battle was taking place, Diana approached the livings. She began attacking them by the Church's furniture.

No one had a plan. No one knew how to counteract her. They all just kept dodging.

"I still remember," Diana began, "the day when it all began. Do you remember it, David?"

David looked her daughter in the eye but kept quiet still taking cover behind a chair.

"Let me refresh it for you. But I hope your ankle had healed to bear this blow." Diana said with a giggle pointing her hand at David's leg and twisting it.

David screamed in pain as his ankle literally began twisting - moving in a clockwise direction. One could hear the bones breaking as it continued twisting.

"Stop it, Diana!" It was the sound of Grandma Lily. "Stay away from my son!"

"A little family reunion, I see." Diana laughed. "Anyway," Diana rolled her eyes. "Did you have fun when that night I jabbed a golf stick all the way down your esophagus? 'Cause I did."

"Why, Diana?" Rose interrupted in between, "Grandma Lily had nothing to do with the curse or the stone. Why did you give her such a tragic death? Why did you kill an innocent?"

Diana just kept laughing and laughing while Rose, David, and Grandma Lily gave her a confused look.

"Innocent? And her?" Diana looked over Grandma Lily. "Oh, Rose, you are so naive. Still taking side with the woman who had nothing but hatred towards you?"

Rose looked at Grandma Lily's spirit. "What is she talking about?"

"Yeah, Lily, tell her what happened the night you took John and Hannah to the amusement park." Diana was somehow enjoying the drama which was about to unfold.

"I'm really sorry, Rose," Grandma Lily broke down crying. "I never liked you. I never liked you from the beginning. But despite all this, David married you anyway. One night, Petunia and I were at my house. She told me how you were wrong for my son and how you have the audacity to manipulate my son into taking all the property - which your father and I worked so hard to build - to yourself."

Rose just kept staring at Grandma Lily's spirit. "I could never do that. Why did you even believe it?"

"Remember that night I paid you a visit? Spending time with my grandkids was just a cover. I was actually there to confront you."

"How could you mom? I don't know why you hate her, but you could've atleast asked me!" David said with his arms around Rose.

"I'm really sorry, both of you. That night while John, Hannah, and I were at the amusement park, I got a call from Petunia. When I got home, Mr. Sam, our lawyer was already there. Petunia told me how you have made a document handing over all my property to you. On the paper, there were two signatures - yours and mine.
When I asked Petunia how you can take my signature on the paper, she told me that you have tricked me one day into signing it when you visited us and Hannah asked me to sign a paper telling that it was for a charity event at her school.

I couldn't believe that you could stoop so low. My blood was boiling. I was so angry that that night Petunia and I made a plan to finish you in order to save our property."

Rose was speechless and so was David.

"See?" Diana said mockingly, "What did I tell you?"

David screamed in pain as his ankle continued twisting and twisting. His foot did a crazy obtuse as he sat there agonizing.

"Stop it, Diana!" Grandma Lily pushed her with all her might in order to save her son.

"You'll pay for this, Lily," An angry Diana charged at David. David was sure that he was going to die. Diana was just about to kill him when his mother took the blow.

"NO! MOM!" David yelled with tears falling down his face.

"It's ok, my son," Grandma Lily placed her hand over Rose's. "I was so blinded by anger that I couldn't see how happy you make my son. He made the right choice. If you could, please forgive me." Saying this Grandma Lily's spirit slowly faded away as tears streamed down the faces of Rose and David.

"Too bad that her sacrifice in saving her son would be a waste," Diana said clucking her tongue. "Goodbye. David."

Diana was just about to kill David when Alex and Father Murphy came to the scene.

Father Murphy began reciting a few lines from the bible while sprinkling something on Diana. That surely slowed Diana down.

"Why are you doing this?" Alex asked innocently. "Please, stop it. You have done enough damage. Break the curse and lift the spell." Alex pleaded to look around. The corpses, the blood, the unfair deaths, and everything had taken a toll on her.

While Alex was buying time, Rose took David away from there to a safe place.

"Father Williams," Father Murphy said - still struggling -, "we need you here. I might not be able to hold her much longer."

Father Williams was all caught up fighting against some of the pawns. He was surrounded and trapped from all sides. He was bruised and blood was coming from his one arm while fighting off the pawns. But the pawns were far stronger than him.

He heard Father Murphy calling out his name for help but he was helpless. He was short of breaths and was taking small breaths from his mouth.

"We'll take care of them," A sound of a ray of hope rang in Father Williams's ears. "you go help Father Murphy fight Diana."

It was Helena and Ryan. They acted as a shield around Father Williams and helped him escape. He limped towards Father Murphy while Helena and Ryan fought against the pawns.

Father Williams stood close by Father Murphy as they both tried to hold Diana back but somehow Diana was growing much stronger.

"What are we doing wrong?" Father Murphy asked Father Williams confused.

Father Williams giggled. "Trust is the only thing which if one conquered, means they have conquered everything." 

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