24. Duo OR Trio?

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"Ahhhhh" Emily's screams filled the air as she felt the sharp blades cutting her.

In the nick of time, Hannah came by and pulled Emily. The cab disappeared into the darkness leaving the blood trails of tire marks on the road.

"That was close! You alright?" Hannah asked helping Emily get up.

Emily gave her an unamused and expressionless face with one eyebrow up like what the heck did you just say?

"Yeah! I'm so alright that I'm on cloud nine. I really enjoyed what I went through just now!" Emily said sarcastically. "I was this close to dying, felt the wrath of Diana and you are asking me this question? Really?"

"Hey! I'm just trying to lighten up the mood here!" Hannah said with her hands in the air. "You should be thanking me though." Hannah nudged Emily.

"Ouuuchhh!!!" The knives were still there inside her body, now more inside causing blood to flow heavily covering Emily completely in deep dark blood.

"Oops. I forget." Hannah bit her tongue.

Emily couldn't move or bend as the pain would increase exponentially if she did. They thought that it'd be best if the doctors take care of it rather than themselves as it'd be way too risky if they did it on their own.

Then suddenly, Emily became unresponsive. Her whole body became numb and loose like spaghetti as she began to fall. Hannah caught her in her arms with blood oozing out from Emily's sides now more than ever.

"Emily? Emily?" Hannah yelled as Emily's eyes started to become white with the unconsciousness. " Don't faint. Hold yourself together. Let's get you to the hospital. "

"Hannah, listen. I don't think I'll make it. I've bled a lot. I don't have any stamina or blood left to carry on. Before anything happens, I wanted to say that I'm -"

"Shut up! What's wrong with you?" Hannah felt her eyes becoming wet. "You'll be alright. I won't let anything happen to you."

Hannah helped Emily get into the cab, from which Hannah had arrived.

Emily held Hannah with her cold, trembling, and bloodied hands.

"Hannah, I can't take it anymore. I don't think I will but if by God's grace I'll survive, that'll be good." Emily's voice began to fade. "But if I don't then - "

Hannah put her hands on Emily's mouth. "Shut up! Nothing will happen to you. I won't let it. Save your energy. Stay strong please." Hannah said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"No, let me complete. I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to say it. "

Hannah sat there with Emily's head on her lap in silence and with quivering lips.

Emily took Hannah's silence as a signal for her to go on.

"I wanted to say thanks - thanks for everything, Hannah. Thanks for being the best friend anyone could wish for but only the luckiest ones get. You have helped me when no one was there for me. Our bond was still strong went I left for a few years before coming back. We had a lot of fun times - through thick, through thin, every detention, every prank, everything. You are a very good soul, Hannah. Don't let anyone take that away from you." Emily's voice started to break. " I know, we had dreamt of going to college together, we had so many dreams and plans, I'm sorry I won't be able to fill any of those. But I know you'll be alright on your own. You're a strong girl. I'll always remember you, Hannah. Glad I got to know you. And one last thing, could you pet Tom for me, please? For the last time? "

Hannah nodded with the stream of tears gushing from her eyes as Emily slowly drifted off into the darkness.

"Emily?! No no no no no... you can't bail on me like that. You can't leave me like that. I won't ever leave you, Emily. We have so much left to do. C'mon Emily. You can't die - not like this." Hannah tried so hard to hold it in together but she knew that her last straw was about to break before she'd break down.

"Drive as fast as you could. Please! Break every traffic rule if you had to but PLEASE drive FAST!" She commanded, crying.

Moments later, her phone vibrated. She pulled it out. It was John.

"Hannah, I got the stone. Now, only one more is left before we can - ".

"Meet me at the hospital. ASAP." She didn't care what John had to say as her first priority was to get Emily to the hospital before they'll regret it.


"Nurse fast!"

There was a large commotion in the hospital as if a huge wave had hit the scene. The ward boys and the nurse were taking Emily who laid on the gurney.

John and Hannah wanted to come with Emily as they took her in the operation theatre but the doctors restricted them to go any further.

"We'll take care of her." A doctor with a surgical mask put his hand on a heartbroken Hannah's shoulder, comforting her. Then, the doctors and the nurses, disappeared closing the door shut as the bright red light was turned on.

Hannah and John paced around the lobby back and forth, praying the entire time for Emily to be alright. They were caught in a web of forlorn thoughts and feelings but something inside them was telling them that everything will be alright - and that was exactly what they needed at that moment - someone to tell them that everything will be alright and that after sometime Emily would come out from that door walking on her two feet as if nothing was ever wrong.

"Doctor?" John asked as soon as he saw the doctor coming out of the O.T. after the red lights got dimmed. "How's Emily now?" Hannah stood beside John, fingers crossed.

"I'm sorry,"

"What do you mean you're sorry?" Hannah's heart stopped, hearing him saying these two words.

"We tried as much as we could but too much blood was lost and there were many complications during the surgery."

"Is-is she- is she dead?" With every word, he said John struggled to get them out.

"Well, not really,"

Hannah saw a spark of hope taking birth inside her.


There's always a but.

"She's not totally conscious. Her internal organs took a lot of damage with cuts everywhere which increased the complications more and her brain had taken a serious amount of trauma from the accident."

"But will she be alright?" Hannah asked hoping that he would say yes.

"Hard to say. But I'm not saying that it's totally impossible. Have faith in God. He's always there for his children." Saying this, he went away as the nurses took Emily out from the O.T. and lay her on a bed to admit her.

"Emily? Can you hear me?" Hannah ran towards Emily taking her hands, trying to talk to her. " Please say something!" But all she saw was a total blank, expressionless face staring in the space. "I'm sorry. Really sorry." She broke down crying still holding onto her hand.

"Hannah," John rubbed her back. "C'mon. We have to inform her family. She'll be alright."

John took out his phone and told everything about Emily to Emily's family. One could hear the crying and the shrieking sounds of her mom coming through the phone. Hannah sobbed, sitting in the chair as she saw the nurses taking Emily away.

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