61. The Spell

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"But how did you know that we need help?" David asked Father Murphy with his hands holding his head to avoid the dizziness as he got up with Rose, Emily, and John still near him to catch him if he falls due to his weakness. In a way, they were extremely thankful to Diana - after all, it was because of her that David came back from death. But in all that, they cannot neglect the obvious fact that Diana was still out there, she could be anywhere by now or was she still looming outside the house? Still, keeping an eye on their actions while hiding in the dark? But for now, all that mattered was David and a way to defeat the demon.

"Oh, for that you should be thankful to your dog here," Father Murphy pointed at Tom who was wagging his tail as he tried to climb on John to express his excitement.

"Tom?" Emily asked sounding equally amazed and confused.

"I was in the Church, preparing for baptism when all of a sudden I heard the sounds of constant scratching on my door. It sounded like someone was clawing on the wood. I was confused as I wasn't expecting any visitors and that too this way. So, regardless I got up and opened the door. I saw Tom barking at me and moving his head backward. At first, I wasn't understanding what he was trying to say, but then I got a feeling that he must be trying to tell me something. I followed him and he is the reason why I could come to help you all. Your dog here," He motioned at Tom, smiling at the fact that he was getting his belly rubbed by John. "- was really sent by God to me- like His messenger. If you keep faith in God, no matter how dark the situation might seem to you at that time, God will never let you down. He has his own ways but He always wants the well-being of all His children."

"Father," Emily asked.

"Yes, my child."

"I still couldn't figure out one thing though -"

"I know," Father Murphy said cutting Emily in the middle with a smile. "You wanna know why no one ever heard your screams or why no one came or why not even a single light in the neighborhood was switched on even with all those sounds?"

Emily nodded. "It felt too quiet, everything was so silent that a haunted feeling started to creep in my bones. I mean how can the entire neighborhood not hear anything?"

"Well," Father took a few steps near a window which was above the sofa and moved the curtains from his fingers to take a look outside. And then said, "that's because Diana had put a spell on this entire neighborhood causing every single soul to go in a state of deep sleep - a comma kind of state. That's why they weren't able to hear anything. They aren't aware of anything happing around them. All their senses are dead."

"Is there a way to reverse the spell, Father?" Rose asked standing by the side of her husband.

Without saying anything, Father Murphy headed outside the house. All four of them looked at each other unsure of the actions of Father. After a quick few seconds, Father Murphy entered the house with a bag in his hand.

He placed the bag on the sofa and opened the middle zip of the bag, taking out a book. The book was a bit old with dog-eared pages and dull white color. The cover of the book was dusty red and had something written on it in a non-English language.

Father Murphy went into a deep concentration state as he turned the pages. After a few turns he said, "Yes, there is one way. But,"

"But what, Father?" David asked.

"But, it is not any ordinary spell, dear." He said in a deep voice and flipped even more pages before he looked up. "It's a cursed spell which Diana had put. It is one of the hardest charms to reverse."

"But, it could be countered, right?" A concerned Rose asked. That neighborhood was by far the most friendly one, the Jackson family had seen in their life of shifting from one place to another. Every single family was really sweet and helpful. Rose remembered the day when Mr. and Mrs. Swift came to their house with their home-made dish to welcome them when they were new to the place and how one day when David's car broke down and he was running late for an important meeting, Mr. Thomas gave him lift even when David's office wasn't on his way and how whenever she needed any help, anyone from the neighborhood was ready to help. They had really helped the family even through low times and Rose cannot see them in pain or in this state.

"It could be but," Father paused for a bit, "this kind of curse to be reversed need a sacrifice - a pure heart and no selfishness. A person who does not have any grudges, who can't see anyone in pain and who help others without seeing any greed in return."

"Father, isn't there any other way?" John asked looking outside the window. "I mean, it is really hard to find such kind of people in today's world who could meet every criterion which you said."

"Can't you sprinkle Holy water, recite some words from the Bible, or something?" Emily asked.

Father Murphy smiled at her innocence. "It's not that easy, my child. A spell caused by a spirit this dark and sinister can only be countered by a completely opposite spirit. I know it is difficult to find such a person, but always have faith in Him. He will guide you. If you don't stop believing, you will somehow find such a person. And you have to because if you delay, this spell will spread like a plague engulfing every single person of this town and even beyond in it and slowly every place will be a ghost town as people will slowly start to die and then all hope would be lost."

Fearing the future if they couldn't do anything at the right time, John and Emily thought that maybe they could find something which could help them if they had some insight into the past.

"Father," Emily began to ask, "It'd be helpful if you tell us what happened the first time you had encountered Diana. Maybe we can find something that could help us to fight her."

Suddenly, Father's mobile rang and he picked it up. After a short conversation, he hung up. Putting his phone in his bag he said, "Right now I have to go but you'll know everything when the time is right, "

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