83. A Visit To Golden Gate

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"Stop, Emily!" Echoed an alarming voice from behind the two. "Stay away from him!"

"Clyde?" Emily turned around and so did John. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me, Emily," Clyde began as he stood in between Emily and John forming some sort of a shield. "But you need to stay away from him!"

"From who? From him? From John?" Emily asked pointing at him. "Why?"

Before Clyde could say anything, John interrupted him and said, "See! This is what I was trying to tell you! First, he disappeared to go... I don't know where... And now his sudden appearance with 'you need to stay away from John?' like what in the world?!"

"Please, Emily, trust me. We need to go. Now!" Clyde said, still standing in between Emily and John.

Emily first looked at John - a bit unsure, a bit of hatred, a bit cold-hearted - and then looked at Clyde - a bit concerned, a bit cautious, a bit scared - and said, "Ok, first of all, Clyde, John is right. Your mysterious whereabouts and disappearances are a bit off. Where were you?"

"I'll tell you everything, but first please go away from John and -"

"Wait," Emily cut Clyde. "What did you say? Go away from John?" Emily arched her eyebrows. "You are sounding as though John is dangerous and -"

"Because that's what he is!" Clyde interrupted Emily. Seeing Emily's face full of doubts, Clyde continued in a desperate yet concerned voice, "Please Emily, I'll give you all the answers later, but please let's go to the Golden Gate Town! Hurry! I'm waiting for you in the car."

Saying this, Clyde swiftly dashed near the reception and then out of the hospital building.

Emily just kept watching Clyde go. "What just happened?"

John shrugged his shoulders. "Told you so."

Emily took a deep breath and after a brief pause, she said, "But we don't have any other option, John. I have to meet Scarlett and see where it leads us to."

"Oh, and I'll make sure, it leads you to nowhere...or to your doom. That'll be a lot more fun! " John murmured under his breath.

"Did you say something?"

"Oh, nothing" John tried to cover up." Just that be careful."

"That I'll be."

- - - - - - - - - - -

"You still haven't told me about your weird actions or whatever that were back there. We are only a few minutes away and I'm still clueless." Emily asked Clyde as she drove through the Golden Gate town and the early dawn breeze.

"I think it's better if you hear it from Scarlett." He paused for a while and said, "Hold on! I think I see her."

Scarlett and her family seemed to be packing something and keeping labeled boxes in the trunk of their car which was parked in front on the sidewalk.

The sidewalk was covered with colorful chalks like it was the canvas of the kids and their imaginations. There were lots of kids' drawing - shaky and innocent - trees, balloons, stars, flowers, and more - which felt more like kids' doodles.

The house which seemed like it belonged to the Swift family, was a medium-sized house. It was hard to make out the details in the little light of the dawn but there were hanging plants on the porch and a tiny pond and a garden in front.

"Seems to me like they are about to move again!" Emily said to Clyde slowing down the car near Swift's parked car and slowly waving at Scarlett. "Good thing we came early."

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