Chapter 1: My Red Flare

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Unknown pov

Its always so beautiful in the morning, even more beautiful in the night. But  still so beautiful, the green trees making shadows on their spotted ground, cherry blossoms too early for their blooming time. Yes, always so beautiful...

So why in the burning hell am I here, fetching freaking water for my clan. I should be relaxing, I mean in such a beautiful day why would you even wanna work.

Hi, the name's Uzumaki Minako. 16 years old and totally wanting to kill my clan members for choosing me to fetching flipping water.

Walking a few more steps till I make it , till I sit down and put my burning feet in the cool water, just thinking about it make me fasten my steps,humming my beloved tone.

Finally, the sound of water. With my basket, my beloved heavy as hell basket , oh how much I love it,soooo much ( ooh and please note the sarcasm). I stopped in front of it, looking at my reflection in the clearing water, my dark red hair looking nearly maroon, my piecing blue eyes,my stubborn jawline,my tanned skin...yep I'm any man's dream, yet I turn them all. Sighing, I bended down,lowering my basket so it could cup the water. Out in the corner of my eye I saw a log. I looked at it since it was to far to make clear details...but I did see...sandals... Why in the heavens would someone throw away good sandals. Well, you know what they say one man's trash is another man's treasure.

I waited for it to get closer, before... Oh my Kami-sama, is that a man. The body kept on flowing by me.

You idiot, help the poor thing, its floating away.

I snapped out my incrazed image... What should I do, he's floating away from me. Umm, I know I fetch him out of the water ( you see, I'm the smartest Uzumaki around).

Running to catch up to him, I pulled on his clothes, and dragged him all the way to shore. Panting and looking down on his face, I unconsciously studied his elegant features. His cold skin, his lips pulled into a line, his eyes are probably his most beautiful feature ( now me being a complete idiot, forget he was dying)

Why don't you take a picture, it will last long.

I mentally face palmmed myself.I decided to perform CPR. Lifting my hands above his bold chest, pushing it onto his chest, I did this 5 times before putting my lips above his, gulping I pushed my lips to his. I felt sparks and I also saw sparks, in another situation I would have kissed him buuutt... Sending air into his mouth.

I did the whole CPR thing until I saw his chest rise and he coughed. Sighing, I brought him on to my back , and let me tell you something, this guy may look skinny but he is as heavy has a boulder. Panting I managed to get him on my back, I carried my half full basket and started walking.

What was suppose to take 30 minutes took me 50 minutes. I finally heard loud shouting of children. Moving closer I called for my parents.

" Oka-san , Oto-san. I need help ", as I reply I got a beautiful eldly looking vision of me , except she had light red hair and angel looking eyes. " Oh , Minako are you back, what took you so long. The ladies were getting worried.

Oh nothing , I just survived a man from death... No no don't help me not like he weighs a ton.

" Mama, help me , he's really heavy " , I whined and completely fell to the ground and rolled him off of me.

My father rushed to my side, he helped me up. " Minako, what is the meaning of this , who is this man ", he asked with his stern voice. Trying to catch myself I replied," I found him in the river, please help him". To be honest I don't know why I cared, I should have left him there to wake himself up bit nope , I'm way too kind.

" Minako, this man is a shinobi. You know very well of our laws, we don't just take in anyone. He needs to pay for our services", my father said. Is he kidding me right now. The guy is paler than dead bodies and you talking about money. Shinobi or not, he is human. And he is also technically my first kiss ,so yeah. " Papa , please I'll pay for him. Just help him", I said sounding like I'm begging. But he shook his head. Stubborn bastard.

I pluffed my cheeks, I bend down on my first kiss, and searched in his pockets. I felt sharp kunais and other weapons, finally I found some coins. I handed it to my papa. " 5,000 yen. Must be a very wealthy man ", he turned to my mom and nodded.

A few men help him up and me, my mama and some other women entered a room.

Please Kami-sama let him be okay.

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