Chapter 17: Morons

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Kid, wake up.

I groan, not because I'm being woken up from my sleep - I'm generally glad I was, my dream wasn't a pretty sight, none of them were - but because my face feels like shit, I can feel the scratches and markings on my cute face, stupid branches.

I open my eyes to see a white ceiling, my vision is back to normal and the my headaches are gone, but I still feel sick. Looking over to the sides to see white walls, I sit up and I notice that I'm on an actually bed not a sleeping bag.

"Good to see you're awake," an unfamiliar says. I look up and see pink hair? I rub my eyes thinking that I'm seeing things, who has pink hair in this world? But I'm not wrong, a girl older than me is dressed in a nurse uniform. She has pink hair, pretty green eyes and a wide forehead, ha! But she looks really beautiful though.

I don't like her

Ah, of course he lives. 'And why don't you like her?'

Because... she's as flat as a pancake

I unconsciously look down at the pinkie's chest and well damn Baka is right, she is flat. I giggle at his observations.

"Is something funny?" She asks. I just shake me head and look around the room, its all white... Why is it only white? Not that I hate the colour, I just don't like it sometimes. Ugh, this means that I'm in a flipping hospital.

"C-can I go?" I asked her, hospitals make me nervous.

"No." She didn't even look at me.

"And why not?"

"Because Lady- Hokage would love to question you," she gives me a small smile. Why am I being questioned?

"W-where am I?"

"In the hospital," she deadpans.

Oh, no shit. I thought it was a grave yard.

I smile at his remark, I think me and him are going to be good friends, "I'm very aware of that smartass, but in what village." She sends me a glare and I ignore it.

"Mind your language! You are in Konoha," I stare at her in complete shock, my mouth agape. I don't think I heard her right, she did say Konoha right? "Close your mouth or you'll catch flies."

"N-no way." I recover from my shock and straighten my posture.

"What's your name?"



Papa always warned me about saying my surname to strangers. Being half Uchiha is somewhat a dangerous thing nowadays. "None of your business."

"It is my business. Your authorised to tell me." She snaps.

"By who?"

"Lady Hokage. Tell me now."

"Sorry, can't. I'm authorised to not talk to strangers."

"By who?" She asks. Moron.

"My parents."

"And where are they?"

"I don't k-know. We were-," I could feel my eyes burning but I quickly covered any emotion, "Am not telling you shit till I met your Kage."

She looks at me angerly and huffs, continues writing on her clipboard .

"Did two people come to the hospital by any chance?" She gives my a questioning raised brow, "A male with black hair, black eyes and a female with red hair, blue eyes? I kinda look like them." She shakes her head and mumbles 'sorry no'.

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