Chapter 33: Fight For Us

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Please read the message after this chapter. I have some important people to thank, and yes it includes you too😉

Shisui's POV

Intimating. Dangerous. Fierce.

Those were the words that came to my mind when I saw Heiwa kick that giant snake in the gut. It was like watching the body and attitude of Minako in action but with my mind and strength.

My sweat drops, maybe Uzumaki and Uchiha should not have children together...

"She's amazing," Baka whispers with a love smile. I'm gonna kill him...

I glared at him, "Watch your step young man. Don't cross the line," I let a scary aura radiate from my body onto his, and I'm sure he felt it.

He rolls his eyes, "chill your ass Uchiha. She's not my type."

He's a bad liar as usual, but I decide to play his game because I don't want my daughter getting hurt ( I just don't want her near any man) she's too innocent and naive to be getting feelings for him. I'm not blind either, I can see that Baka has feelings for my baby girl and the fool is trying to hide it!

"Baka," he looks at me with a shocked expression. Yes bitch I know who you are, "of course my angel is not your type, she's way beyond your limits. Sukida is beyond your weak league," I smirk when anger flashes through his face.

"So you bloody knew who I was but you said nothing?! No thank you Baka, or I've missed you?" I flinch at the last part. "I don't care if Heiwa is out of my league, I don't want Kakashi's leftovers anyway." He pouts, no seriously, he pouted. He is not even trying to hide his jealousy.

By the way isn't Kakashi the old man with the grey hair, dark eyes and mask? I remember him, Hatake Kakashi, the Copy Ninja. Yes, I know him well enough, luckily we met a couple of times before I died thanks to both of us being Anbu.

He is very talented- mostly because he has a sharingan- he's the son of the great White Fang, a man who committed suicide because the village shunned him for abandoning a mission to save his friends. To me that man was a hero.

But now his son is trying to steal my daughter? Nope. Its me and him now.

Minako stirs in my arms, pulling in out of my thoughts that I shouldn't be having.

I suddenly change the subject into something more important, "Baka take Minako," before he could complain I push Mina-chan into his arms. "I'll go help Heiwa and her friends. Stay here." He opens his mouth to argue,

"Come on Shisui! I wanna fight that bastard too." His eyes light up with determination.

"No." I run towards the others before he could complain any further. Its been so long since I've fought anyone, even longer since I've used my sharingan.

Yes, somehow my sharingan had returned to me.

The sharingan never leaves you, on less you are blind or your eyes have been taken away. Permanently.

I did lose my eyes but I got new ones, and since the only way you can activate your sharingan is due to the chemicals in an Uchiha's brain because of the great pain you experience. Back then my great pain was being in the war and watching my parents die, that's how I gained my sharingan; but now my greatest pain was when I witnessed the every reason I live get dragged away from me while I couldn't do anything.

That's when my new sharingan activated. I knew something was wrong when I felt the same powerful tingling in my eyes, I didn't want to believe it but then Sasuke came the next day and told me. I freaked out.

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