Chapter 26: Hope Of The Fittest

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Shisui's POV

"Its another fucking failure!" He roars.

I can't breath well, I can't see with all the black spots in my vision and I can't move to comfort my moonlight when she needs it, but that's the least of my problems right now.My real problems are that my wife may be next if I don't get out of these damn chains, and I haven't seen my princess in three weeks!

What if she didn't make it to Konoha or they got her, or even worse... Baka is torturing her to pieces with his shit.

I have to get out of here, I need to get out of here...

"Stop pacing around, please." She says sounding so defeated.

"Sorry," her friend crys and sits back down in her dark corner. Minako shifts closer to me and lays her head on my arm and I would give anything to get to hold her closer again, its been two weeks since she fully slept. I can't blame her, with all the screaming going on in here no one has slept.

Shisui! Please listen to me! He's coming for me, why-

'Not now Baka. I don't have time for your bitching lies.'

I should have listened  maybe if I heard him out Minako and I won't be here right now, she wouldn't have to see all her female family members go through some terrible process.

We've lost three woman and all the kids, only two ladies left that includes Minako. I don't even know why and how I'm still here seeing as he only wants the Uzumaki.

"The Uchiha Shisui, still alive and kicking! But in chains and dirt thanks to me! If only I could get Itachi like this." he smirked and laughed.

Itachi... Hell if he ever saw me like this, what would he think? Beaten and restricted to the ground, can't even save his wife and family for shit. Disgraceful! Disappointment! Useless! Heck, those words ain't even good enough to describe me right now.

"So freaking hard to find good blood these days. Damn Karin is much more better and useful."(an: I never ever thought I would say those words in my life😅) He mutters as he opens the cell. Oh I forgot to mention that we are in a fucking cell! Locked up with nothing but darkness and crying a woman.

Lucky they get to move around once in a while. He chained me to the ground, in a kneeing position. A pair of chakra infused chains on both my hands and legs, if I try to me move, break them or escape it'll suck my chakra and make the chains tigher and harder for me. I know this cause I tried to for the past three weeks.

"You," he points at Minako's best friend, "yes you! Come here!" he orders but she shakes  her head and crawls further into the back and chokes on her sobs.

"N-no! Y-you took my baby and husband! You're a m-monster!" She choked out.

"Why thank you!," he walked into the cell and grabs her by the hair and trys to drag her out with her screaming and yelling bloody murder.

Her screaming seems to have woken Minako, "Yukawa N-no, please no!" She gets up to help her friend but gets kicked in the gut by Orochimaru. I try to go to her but the chains hold me back.

"Minako! Shisui, you're supposed to be an Uchiha! Help us, please! Please Shisui!" She yells as her dragged her out of the cell and locked the cell. She bites his hand that gripped her hair, "come on asshole! You're like one of the strongest people in shinobi history! Do something, Shisui!," he grabs her hair again and drags her out but not before she yells, "think about Heiwa! If she loses her parents because of this, she won't ever forgive you!" And silence, other than Minako's sobbing.

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