Chapter 9: Marriage

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I'm not good at the 'Dearly Beloved' thing and the others,so I'm just gonna wing it


Third Person POV

They say the most important moment of a person's life is their wedding day but what about the moment when you meet the person you know is the one.

For Minako and Shisui the most important moment was when they knew that they would be together forever.

Shisui proposed about a year ago,when he knew that he couldn't live without Minako.

When they went back home her parents were excited, some (Kazu) threatened to burn the Uchiha alive if anything happened to Minako.

Baka wasn't happy about the whole thing,reason being that he doesn't believe in marriage.

How can you marry someone you have never had sex with, its impossible, what if she is terrible in bed. He argued with Shisui everyday but the blacked haired boy refused to listen.

Now we start our story outside, with cherry blossom trees already showing their colourful expressions. Chairs are lined into two rows,one for female and the other for males.

Inside one of the tents Shisui gets ready to get married but a certain someone or thing  won't shut up.

Kid, you still have time to stop this, commitment is a difficult thing.

'Shut up,its too late to back down.'

So you saying if you could you would. Okay so here's the plan-

'No Baka I'm saying that I won't. Marriage  is not a bad thing'.

What are you crazy? Marriage is the opposite of good. You enter one place over and over again and your kids come out of the same place. Please don't-

Baka is cut off when someone opens the tent.

"Shisui,my boy are you ready?" Kazu says.

I didn't hear someone say come in.

Shisui ignores his Soul Eater and focuses on his soon to be father-in law.

"No,I'm too nervous to fix my hair," the Uchiha nervously smiles.

"I'll help with that," the older man moves closer to Shisui. Taking a comb and moving it swiftly through the curly black hair.

"Never in a million years did I think I would get married," the younger confesses while staring at himself in the mirror.

The man staring back at him is different from the man he knew back in his village. The Leaf Shisui would never get married because he was always occupied with his duties as a protector and a double spy. He was either with the Uchiha or with Leaf elders,sometimes with Itachi,Sasuke and Izumi, if he wasn't there he was on a mission, if not that he was training; never having time for himself,never care free cause he always worried.

But now,ever since he discovered his moonlight he has enough time to train,read and even eat but his favorite of all is when he gets to cuddle with the red haired,to kiss her and take her on a date or just talk about nothing in particular.

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