Chapter 31: When She Grows: Part 1

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Shisui's POV

Minako sat on my lap while I watched her try to sow our baby's clothes. She wanted to do what her mother did for her before she was born, Bisha said that if a mother makes her baby's first clothe than they'll have an inseparable bond.

She hummed, "and we'll float like helium." I smiled.

Tell the bitch to choke! I'm trying to sleep.

And just like that my smile turns into a scowl. Baka is suffocating! He's like the bad pain to an open wound, it never stops! But I won't lie, he's been with me for long now that I'm kind of attached to his annoying ass.

"Still can't believe you had that song played on our wedding day." I told her as she looked confused at what she was trying to sow.

"Shut up. You should be glad my beautiful voice sang to you," she huffed. I am happy that she sang such a beautiful song for me but I wished she would have told me.

"Nah," I kissed her cheek.

I watched as she tried to create a hole for the... sweater? Shirt? What is that actually? Why does it have six arms? Isn't there supposed to be only one entrance hole?

"Love?" She just hummed, "what are you making?" I narrowed my eyes at the it.

"Honestly I have no idea!" She threw the weird thing onto the table. I laughed as she relaxed on my chest.

"You have a nice laugh..." She commented, "I love it when you laugh. Makes me feel giddy."

"Thanks," I kissed her forehead.

"No thank you for being with me."

"Shut up and sleep already." I chuckled. Minako has this cute habit when she starts to fall asleep and she compliments and thanks anyone, something she doesn't do much. I brush my hand through her dark hair, loving how it felt inbetween my fingers.

Just when her breathing evens out she yelped, removing her head from my chest so fast that it nearly slammed my chin.

She placed a hand on her tummy that shows her baby bump. She turns to me with a grin,

"It kicked!" ....

"I'm sorry what?" I asked because I'm really confused.

She giggles, "the baby just kicked!" She grabs my hand and places it on her tummy. Just then I felt a hard hit on my palm.

"Oh my..." A grin breaks out of my face. It could kick! That's a good sign that my child is okay and healthy! And he or she would be a great kicker. That kick was strong.

The happiness I'm felt at that moment will forever be printed into my memory. I won't ever forget how hard she kicked, how she seemed to follow my hand so she could kick it. From that moment I felt warm, I felt wanted and I felt loved, all my worries washed away just like me when I jumped that cliff, my problems didn't seem to exist in the waves of my happiness.

Its like with every kick she gave my palm I was being smacked by reality, reminding that this was real. That I had found love, I had found true happiness and very soon I'll be a proud father. With those kicks I remembered that I wasn't dreaming, that this very life I was living was real and it engulfed me.

"The kicks don't hurt you, do they?" I questioned my moonlight when I noticed her winces,

"They kinda do. But just a little, I guess that means we have a naughty one in our hands." She smiled at me. I laughed a bit cause of how high l felt.

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