Chapter 19: Memories I Forgot

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^^This pic is for all u new viewers because really how the hell did u find such a shitty book. Thank u all who have been with me since the beginning... Luv ya.

"This is your last chance to tell me the truth brat." The big scary man said but I keep my emotionless mask on. It can't be that bad right? "Well okay, suit it yourself,"

He turns to a man with long blonde hair kept up in a ponytail and blue eyes. In other words he was good looking for someone in his thirties.
"Mr Yamanaka I leave this annoyance to you, don't be afraid to be brutal. Tsunade-sama wants those information." And just like that he waves his hand and walks away through the door. Blondie looks at me- who by the way is stripped onto a chair- and sighs.

"This isn't pleasant little girl. Just tell them what they want to know," he says with pity but I shake my stubborn  head. I haven't spoken since I've gotten here, I'm scared, really scared. Baka...won't talk to be and I feel so alone right, he promised that no one would hurt me but here I am. He whipers an okay and walked up to me putting his hand on my head.

'Baka? Baka I know you can hear me! Please just answer me, I feel so lonely. I missed my dad, Baka please. I need you. Please?!'

But not response, I look up at blondie and I feel a sharp pain in my head. I'm scared!

'Baka please. I'm scared, I don't like this feeling.'

No response and the pain increases like a lot to which I feel like crying my eyes out but no way am I crying.

'Baka is you don't do something I won't ever forgive you!'

Nothing other than extreme pain and that's when I let the scream escape my mouth and I don't let my screaming stop.

'Baka please!' I'm sobbing uncontrollable now. "Make it stop!" I yell to Baka while thrashing around the chair.

Third Person POV

With her last loud murder scream begging for a friend she longs for, Heiwa's eyes roll to the back of her head and she watches as a complete stranger goes through her memories, the ones she didn't remember.

If Inochi could stop right now he would but Tsunade needed the information but the deafing screams of this teenage girl begged him to stop but he won't. A shinobi must not let emotions take over him. He finally finds the flamed haired girl's memory line and sees the unbelievable:

Heiwa's POV (a/n: sorry for the switches)

"The next time I see you even spare a glance at my daughter I'll bag you and sell you," my dad threatens. Am three years old again. My dad and I were in a candy shop when a boy maybe two years older than me called me cute and offered to buy me a lollipop. But here I am with my papa sending him a glare which can kill.

"And not the expensive kind," he continues to the boy where already pissed himself, "no no no, I'll sell you to the cheap ones. The ones that give away young boys like you to work with poor servants. Now go away!"  The boy cowards and rans away like his life depends on it, maybe because it does.

"And you little Missy. The only time you're allowed to talk to a boy is when I'm dead," he says. I simply nod and we leave the shop with no sweets. I pout with a teary face, I just wanted a sweetie I didn't even want the boy's loli. I don't even care about the sweets I wanted to say sorry to daddy for being a big meanie yesterday when I called him an old stick in the mud.

"Oh come on you're not really gonna cry, are you?" I let a tear slip and he engulfs me in a warm hug, apologizing for whatever. "No I'm sorry daddy, I wanted to buy you a sweetie because I was being a meanie to you," I sobbed. "Oh Heiwa. You too sweet, I don't need sweets when already have you and your mom." He says and I laugh at his cheesiness. We walked back home, hand in hand with my amazing daddy.
I let out a wet cough. I remember this, well sort of, the first time I got sick at the age of six, right now I'm in bed too lazy to care about my training lesson.
"Mama" I yelled in a cracked voice and she comes running into the tent.
"What's wrong sweetie? You look a bit feverish" she bends down and pressed her palm in my forehead then sighs. "I told you to stop jumping into every water source you find but no you never listen,"

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