Chapter 35: Unexpected Events

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Sorry I didn't update for so long, I was having the worst writer's block ever! Enjoy my brain's hard work.


Shisui's POV

You know that one moment in your life where you just can't get up because you feel so weak and sick that you want to kill yourself? Yeah, that's me right now.

"Please, just let me go." I plead for the tenth time in an hour.

"No, you are too weak to go looking for her. Rest." She repeats the same thing again.

"Don't tell me what I can or can't do!" I snap and try to stand up. I fail miserably.

"Please, Shisui. You can't possibly do anything when you are drained of chakra." Kakashi explains but I didn't hear any good reason to stay here and do nothing.

Okay so let me explain how I got kidnapped by my own daughter and her friends. When Minako all so carelessly ran away from us, my vision decided that it would be the best time to get blurry. I fainted.

When I woke up, I found my poor self in a cave and Kakashi and Sakura won't let me go to find my beloved. Apparently Heiwa went to look for her mother but she went alone because Baka is right fucking here! The asshole left my baby girl go alone.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?! I told you she ran away from me, okay?" Baka yells, embarassed.

"No Baka. Not okay! What kind of Protector are you? If something happens to her, I'll skin you alive."

"Shut up..." He whispers obviously feeling bad, "Sukida can look after herself."

I take in a deep breath when I feel a pounding in my head. My sharingan has absorbed a large amount of chakra and that's not normal, especially for me.

I lean against the cave's wall and place my hand over my eyes. This shouldn't be possible. I remember the way I merciless stabbed Orochimaru. I admit that it felt heavenly to let out all my frustrations on that snake.

But that wasn't me.

Heiwa and Minako looked so afraid of me that it caused me to fear myself, it caused a shiver to run down my spine in the most terrifying way possible.

The real me ( whether the shinobi Shisui or the family Shisui) would have never been so merciless. Yes, when it came to the people I loved I wouldn't saw mercy to those who harmed them but I always made sure to end quick so they feel little to no pain.

Yet with Orochimaru... God, he made me want to torture him endlessly without any mercy whatso ever!

I hear a sigh, "if you can sleep for at least one hour we can leave and go look for both Heiwa and Minako." Naruto suggests and for the first time in two hours I don't argue.

"Yeah," I nod and gulp. My throat feels so dry, "okay. I'll just-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I fall to the ground.

"Shisui!" Baka appears into my line of vision but he's so blurry.

I grunt because of the pain in my eyes, back, head and somewhere else that's kind of hard to identify right now.

"He's burning up. Naruto go fetch some water. Damn it! He's been poisoned." I can barely hear what she's saying. A wave of pain crashes through me and I shout before everything goes black...

Heiwa's POV

"Do I know you?"

No, but the least you can say is: "hi".

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