Chapter 3: Names have meaning

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Minako's POV

D-did he just k-k-iss my hand. God what a man.

I felt heat rush to my neck up to my ears, no one has ever kissed me yet alone kiss my hand as a thank you. I looked at my feet as if they were the most fascinating things in all the world. I let my hand slip away from his grips and smiled, " So, what's your name?" Funny, has soon as I asked him that something told that I would reject it, and that something was right. "Oh, my name is Uchiha Shisui."

Did I hear that right or did he just say he was an Uchiha, as if that wasn't enough to scary the shit out if me, he is The Shisui, as in the Uchiha Shisui the teleporter.

You fucked up now Minako. You just had to be a hero and save a strange man, now your heroism is gonna be the death of you all .

As soon has I thought about my sweet mom and my dad dying because of me I tensed up, no no no this can not happen. I felt something on my knee, I looked down and looked up at him.

He looked at me and gave me that smile that made my heart flutter and do a thousand somersaults. But what gave me butterflies was what he said next, "I promise I would never hurt you. You don't need to fear me, I don't plan on hurting you."

God, kill me now and call me a monkey's uncle,what is this feeling. No no, get a grip on yourself.

I simply nodded,"If you even try to touch a hair on my entire family, I won't hesitant to crop your head off and send it to your clan," I didn't even hesitant, when it comes to me, him and my family, I won't think twice. I watched and waited for a reaction from him but I only got a nod. He was about to talk but my parents came in.

"Oh young man, you look better now. I guess my daughter's blood is strong and sweet,huh?," my mom said making me blush fifty shades of red.I gave her my 'mom you embarrassing me' look,which obviously didn't work because she chuckled and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Bloody hell this woman is gonna be the death of me.

Luckly my papa intervened our conversion before she embarrassed me any further."My name is Uzumaki Kazu and this is my wife Bisha. I believe you have already met my daughter Minako since you are holding her knee," he said in his stern tone looking at my knee. That's when I realised that Shisui's hand was still on my knee. I look up at him to see him already looking at me, at the same time we both slowly looked at me knee... I panicked and moved my knee away, blushing rose red. Shisui tried to get up so he could bow to my parents but instead he falls back on the bed, panting. " I'm sorry for the trouble I might have caused but neither less, thank you," he said sounding like a perfect saint. That's when it hit me, I don't know this guy, well only from rumors but anything else I don't know... He may be a physco or mentally unstable or even worse a flipping spy... So why the freaking hell did I do what I did next.

"Mama papa, this is Harauo," I lied with the brightest smile I could force. I don't lie just for anyone or anything on less its super important and serious. Was it wrong to try to protect someone you like but just met... You see even you don't know the answer to that but I listened to both my heart and head, let me tell you something my heart definitely made more sense.

Looking at Shisui who had a emotionless mask on but I knew he was grateful, well he better be or else when my parents find out I'm as good as dead.

"Well, Harauo you should definitely get going. I'm sure your family are totally worried about you. Don't want to keep you waiting any longer, bye now," my papa smiled but I knew he was faking it, under that smile he was trying very hard not to kick Shisui's ass out of the tent. I narrowed my eyes at him.

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