Chapter 18: Interrogation My Foot

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Here I am standing ever so quietly in front of the hokage, trying to make her believe my story but no, the stubborn hag won't even listen to me.

I've been standing here for two hours, while she sits on her high chair, two anbu are behind me making sure I don't run away and Kakashi with Sakura are both beside her. Plus Baka is always throwing funny comments about them so I have to bite tongue so I don't laugh.

"I'll tell you one more time, open your bag," hokage says. I look at her in annoyance.

"Ugh, fine! Give it to me." I command and she smiles before taking my bag from under her table. She puts it on top of it and I walk over.

I glare at her and pull the zipper open and guess what, my mom's bag doesn't have a seal. "You see, no seal." She shakes her head and orders me to close the zipper, then she tries to open it her self but it wouldn't open.

"You see? Seal. Remove it" she orders but I can't.

"Sorry I can't. I wasn't the one who put it there," I state. She looks at me and I answer her unasked question, "its my mama's bag I think she put the seal on it."

"Fine open the bag, I want to search it."

"Yeah no. What do you want from my bag?"

"I need to see if you are telling us the truth. Open the bag," normally I would throw her a sassy comment but right now I'm tired, dirty, hungry and really sick of standing here.

I sigh tiredly and open my bag, she grabs it and thrashes the bag and everything in it spills onto her table. She picks some items and inspects them.

There are four bags filled with coins, my mama was always prepared, there is also some of my clothes, let's just say that I trend to do stupid stuff as fighting wild animals and jumping into rivers without thinking twice. So far they are only normal things you would pack in a bag, including kunai and some others.

She continues searching until she comes across a framed picture, she stares at it with an open mouth and bewildered eyes, "I-its impossible, h-how?," she stuttering. We all look at her like she has lost it, she turns the frame around for us to see it.

"N-no way!" Sakura, Kakashi and anbu exclaim together but I remain calm, I did tell them about my family.

"Yep that's my family, pretty aren't we?," I remember the day we took that picture. My mom was really persistent about it she made me and papa dress up all pretty but we really didn't mind it at all. I think I was about the age of ten or eleven. My dad and I were arguing about some shit that's how we are, always arguing about nothing, it took my mom about twenty minutes to get us to behave.

On the picture we were laughing with our eyes open, my papa kept on tickling me and my mom, while we tried to be serious. One of the worst pictures we have taken and she kept it in her bag....I really took her for granted.

"I still don't believe her, hokage. That photo may be fake for all we know." Kakashi says and I want to kill him. Why can't he believe me? There's an image to prove it. The hokage nods and looks over my shoulder to beckon the anbu over to her,

"Take her to the interrogation room, make sure they get every bit of her memory then have them report to me," my eyes widen and I began to protest.

"You can't do that! You have proof to my story, let me go!" Her dogs start dragging me but I manage to stand against their grip.

"We don't know anything about you, you may be lying about this whole thing and might be keeping a citizen of the Leaf against his will. Until I am convinced by the interrogation team about you, you're not safe." With that I'm pushed out of the hokage room and I can hear Sakura's protest to this but nothing helps to stop the fear that crawls up to my spin. This is so not fair.

I get dragged into a room and sit on a chair while the anbu talk to some guy. I could have easily run away but I need their help to find my parents, even if I have to be tortured to proof my entire life history, I'll do it. But I'm still kicking Kakashi's ass for what he did to me back in that office.

The door opens and this tall, scary guy comes in, he has a scar going through one of his eyes and looks like he has never smiled even if you held him over a cliff.  "Okay look here brat. My Lady needs some information and you'll provide me with it or else..." It irritates me when people do that, I hate mystery. I don't want to guess for what will happen to me if I don't listen to him.

"Really, or else what? I'll I get ice-cream or some food? Cause if you haven't notice I'm starving but your 'Lady' isn't nice enough to-" he bangs his hand in the table making it shake violently, it took me all my courage not to flinch.

"You think this is funny? The hokage owes you nothing. Now tell me what I need to know," he said firmly and I just nodded.

Time skip ~

I've been here for twelve hours now, and this beef bag won't listen. He keeps on asking me the same questions and I respond with the answers. I'm very tired, hungry and not in the mood for bullshit.

"Tell me your real-" I groan before he could finish, he's asked me that question more than a hundred times, he's scary but I'm way scarier when I'm pissed and right now I'm beyond pissed.

"No! You keep on asking me the same shitty questions and I answer with less shitty responses. Let me go. Now!!" I yell. He looks madder and scarier than before but I'm too angry to care.

"I tried to be nice," yeah sure of course you did I guess niceness is not in your blood,  "you leave me no choice with all your lying. I've decided that you will be sent to Mr. Yamanaka for a mind read." He stands up and leaves while I'm here like an idiot with my mouth hanging wide open.


Hn. Very interesting,,, I have reads but no comments, such love. I really need at least two comments on my book and my writing or I'll stop writing this books because its obvious no one likes it enough to give me a comment.

Anyway ~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATUTO UZUMAKI. His crazy ramen self has saved me and I love him more than I did before💜💜💜.

 His crazy ramen self has saved me and I love him more than I did before💜💜💜

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