Chapter 20 :Officially Welcomed

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Heiwa's POV

Inochi helped me into the hokage's office. We got to know each other on the way there. I know that he has a daughter and since he had already gone through my memory he knows everything about me.

"So you didn't know what he was?"

"Nope, just that my dad gave him to me. He's very annoying, never shuts up." This made the blonde chuckle.

I get why you ignoring me but do you have to lie too?

I  wanted to answer yes and that I  wasn't lying but sadly am cursing him with the silent treatment. Inochi opened the door and we walked inside and there with all her arrogant glory sits Senju Tsunade with Hatake Kakashi, Harauno Sakura and some weird black haired lady holding a pig.

"Well Inochi?" She asked.

"She's innocent Tsunade. Her story checks out." He answers.

"What? But that's impossible, all the Uchiha are dead other than Itachi and Sasuke." My ears pecked up at the mention of them.

"Well that's what I got." He turns towards me with a smile, "And you take care of yourself and that thing of yours. See you" he ruffles my hair and walks out. Inochi is really a nice guy, I like him.

"'re an Uchiha" I nod even though it wasn't a question. "And your parents are truly missing," I simply just lower my head.

She owes you an apology!

"'am, ugh. I need your help to find my family. T-they need my help okay? I don't know what happened but I know something is really wrong." Tears glittered in my eyes. While Inochi went through my memories we were able to see something I couldn't remember.

As my parents and I heard my grandma's scream, I saw who stabbed her. I looked into his eyes right after my grandma's eyes met mine. I don't know how I could ever forget those sinister black eyes, purple hair and the palest skin my eyes have ever witnessed. But that god damn smirk, so evil with no remorse for killing an innocent old woman and nearly an entire clan. He looked right at me and his smirk widened while he mouthed "I'm coming for you". Inochi didn't seem to notice him but I did, I don't know who the creepy smirker is but I'll find him.

" We'll see what we can do, in the mean time have you eaten anything?" The lady with the pig asked.

I have just enough energy to sass them, "Of course not! You people have the worst manners ever! Its been seventy two hours since I've eaten, slept and bathed. Look at me! I'm a mess!" I whined.

Sakura seems to find it amusing, "Don't worry Heiwa, you can come to me house and freshen up." My eyes sparked for a second before I frown.

"Wait don't you need permission from your parents? I don't wanna get you in trouble."

"No its okay they out on a 'secret mission'. Which is just them ignoring me for at least three weeks. It will be fun!" She punches the air.

"Oh okay then. Let's go please, before I punch Kakashi's face so bad that he'll actually need the mask." He's been staring  *cough cough glaring cough * at me and I've been glaring back with lightening. If he had believed me in the first place I wouldn't have gone through that terrible experience. Asshole couldn't just suck his balls up and say that I was right.

The tension between me and him didn't go unnoticed by the others, but they basically don't want to be involved.

"What? You got a problem with me?" he asks while walking towards me.

"Obviously! You got a problem with me?" I asked also walking towards him.

"Definitely!" He yells even though we are both face to face. "You think you can take me on, tiny?" Okay let me make this clear, I'm not tiny or short. I'm actually taller than most teenagers. 'Mr. I have to use a mask because my face is so hideous' over here is just an adult, which makes him taller and me a short stock by default.

"I've trained with the Uchiha Shisui ever since I was five. I know I can take you on, gramps."

Fight! Fight! Fight! Kick his ass!

"Leave her alone Kakashi-sensi!" Sakura smacks his head, "she's been through a lot. So we'll be going!" She grabs my arm and drags me away but not before I could wave goodbye to Tsunade and the pig lady.

"Don't worry kid. This village is very friendly and nice, you'll love it in no time." She smiles at me.

We not even outside yet but I can I hear people speaking. Sakura opens that door and I immediately run out.

The fresh air hiting my nose, the sun kissing my skin, my hair dancing to the wind's music, the birds chirpy songs filling my ears. And the sound of society making it all perfect.

"Some one's happy," pinkie giggles.

"Feels like years since nature has blessed me. So peaceful," I respond looking at the clear blue sky.

"Come on, let's go!" We continue walking before she stops and gives me a heart warming smile.

"Heiwa, I welcome you to Konoha. Hope you enjoy your stay."

Author ~chan:

Hope you enjoyed my terrible writing. I have good news and bad news, so bad news first...

I won't be updating for a couple of weeks, our final exams are starting and I have to study my ass off.



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Now listen / read carefully... I love you all, I wasn't so sure about this book, I didn't have much courage to continue writing. Only things that kept me going is my love for Shisui, anime, writing, my two friends and the hope of someone reading my book and liking it.

I'll be back in a few weeks... Love you all.

Comment, vote and send me luck for my exams!

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