Chapter 5: Perfect eyes don't always show the soul

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I decided that Fridays u will always have an update... But also I'll update some other days too cause I'm determined about this book.

Shisui is the main POV but if I want someone else POV I'll write the name down.


I was currently sitting down while Bisha, Minako's mother, removed the bandages from my eyes. Checking to see how long it will take to recover.

"Ok Harauo-san, I need you to try and open your eyes," she said. After I felt the bandages fall from my face, I tried opening my new eyes.

I succeeded in lifting my eyelids a bit, it was blurrily at first but then I saw red and woman's face.

"Good,now I'll flash a light to see if your eyes will react and I want you to try and follow the light," I nodded.

Why you nodding, she wants to kill you.

'What the hell are you talking about'

She said ' follow the light' as in I'll kill you and when you see the light you must follow it.

I mentally rolled my eyes, this has been happening a lot, this crazy voice keeps appearing thinking that it has an opinion on every freaking decision I wish to make. Its probably a short term sickness or maybe it's because of the pressure I'm under.

I kept I'm eyes open, I can see but only partly, I can make out colours and small parts of features.

Bisha has red hair just like Kushina's but little white strings are visible, her eyes are dark brown, under her eyes and at the corner of her mouth you can see wrinkles. She looks elegant but you can see that she was strong.

She picked up a small flash light and pushed on the button. I closed my eyes a bit at the sudden bright light. Bisha lifted my right eye with her fingers, moving the flashlight from left to right and my eye unconsciously followed. She did the same thing with my other eye.

"Wow, your eyes were quick to recover. I'm shocked," she smiled.

"When will I be able to see fully, so far I can make out colours and small parts of features but I want to be able to see it all," I asked with determination in my voice.

"Well, you will be able to go around without the bandages", I nearly screamed for joy. Those things were annoying, seriously I was so close to pulling them off and burning them,"with the progress you are making, I'll say... Two to three days," she responded and I shot up with a huge grin on my face.

"Really?," and she nodded smiling at my reaction, "W-where's Minako, I want to see her, I need to see her," I was too excited, I wanted to share this with her, but I failed to see the older woman's sad face.

"She wanted to visit the village near our camping area, she said something about needing to clear her head." I immediately sat  down, feeling a bit...sad.

'Is it about me, does she not want to be near my presence anymore'

Don't flutter yourself, it may be something else.

"Harauo-san what really do you feel for my daughter," my eyes widened and I looked at her. What do I really feel for her, I'm not sure myself.

"Honestly Bisha-san, I don't know, I've felt every feeling in the world but this one...this one is different. Its weird but yet...nice." I looked down at my hands, waiting for her to laugh her head off at my explanation. But instead she smiled at me.

"Well I'm glad, now I'm even more determined to make sure Kazu-kun let's you stay here," she stood up and left but she  turned back,"Oh and black is a good colour on you," it took me awhile to figure at what she meant.

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