Chapter 30: A Ka-Boom!

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Hello Nekos. Its been decades since I have updated but I'm still alive bitches!! 😎

So this chapter is a bit long because of the storyline and my surprising reappearance but I hope you enjoy it.


Baka's POV

Branches keep hitting my beautiful face! I mean, I love how green the leaves are but only from a far distance and not in my mouth!

I jump onto another large tree branch, nearly losing my step for the fourth time in an hour. I really don't understand these Konoha shinobi, hell I don't understand any shinobi for that matter. We could have just walked like normal people but no we have to fly like monkeys through the trees.

"Baka, you good?" Sukida reduces her speed and jumps side by side with me.

"Yeah," I pant under my breathe making sure that she doesn't hear it.

She squeals, " I can't believe we finally doing a mission," I smile a bit, "heck I can't believe am doing my first mission!" She squeals again, catching me by surprise.

"You are really excited, ain't you?" I grin.

"Of course I am!" She looks at me with a warming smile then focuses on the rest in front of us, "my parents. Baka, I'll be seeing my parents again. What's there not to be excited about,"  she says with a lost expression.

"How about losing me?" I whisper. Okay maybe I didn't tell that I'm feeling a bit too weak since last week, maybe I didn't tell her that I'm planning on doing something that would end my life but yeah how can you tell her something like that when she smiles at you.

"I'm happy you here with me," her cheeks tint pink as she looks at me, "my dad was lucky to have you and now I'm lucky to have you because you made sure I was safe, I-" I raised my hand stopping her from her somewhat confession. She looks at my hand with confusion,

I don't need her saying things like that right now. I've made my decision and I won't allow some girl to change it. I won't allow some cute red haired, black eyed, kind hearted girl to stand in my way.

"Don't say anymore Sukida, I know what you mean and I'm glad I met you too but for now let's focus." I keep my voice flat as possible.

"O-oh okay. How-" before she could finish a demon I know by the name of Hatake Kakashi comes besides her. He tells her something which makes her laugh and blush but I didn't hear it with all the jealously and anger in me.

Wait... No, I'm not jealous of Kakashi, I'm not jealous that he seems to make her laugh more than I do, in fact I don't give a shit. Why would I be jealous? Heiwa is a nice girl, she laughs at everything.

I just don't like him! Why does he have to wear a mask? What is he hiding? Only mysterious murderous people wear masks like that. I understand that he has to cover sharingan( which I still don't know where he got it from, he probably steal it) but he can just go around enjoying the attention. He also reads those disguising books. In public! Ugh, he just makes me hate him!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice everyone had stopped, and by everyone I mean Naruto, Flat chest bitch, The demon and Sukida.

"Woah Baka! Watch out for the tree!" I look at them with a confused expression and look back infront of me and my eyes widen when I meet a tree. I brace myself to be knocked to the other side of the planet but I remember that I'm a fucking spirit! I can do what useless shinobi can't. With that in mind I stop mid air and float.

I hear a few gasps, a smirk comes on to my face because I know I just out showed Kakashi. Let's see your mask ass do that.

Ever so gratefully, I float back down next to Heiwa who's mouth is agape. Yep, I'm the boss bitch! Naruto is looking at me as if I'm some walking ramen bowl he'll worship, Sakura is just shocked and Kakashi is well... impressed? No asshole! You supposed to be jealous!

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