i. unwanted changes

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter one )
★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter one )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Lyla walked across the parking lot of her high school, barely sparing a glance at her fellow students, who were happily reuniting with their friends after a long summer. She wasn't bothered about any of the mindless chatter they tried to involve her in as she passed, all she was interested in was finding the only people in this school she had time for. Lyla hadn't seen the Cameron siblings since the beginning of the holidays, they'd gone to visit their Grandmother in Carolina for two weeks and a few days before they got back, Lyla left with her uncle to tag along on his fishing trip for the rest of the summer - and of course that meant no Wifi for Lyla and therefore no contacting Jared and Jess.

Her eyes scanned the crowds as she made towards where her and Jess' lockers were, answering those calling out greetings to her politely but with little interest. Finally her eyes fell on the short, curvy figure of Jess, making Lyla immediately start in that direction with a smile appearing on her face.

"Jess!" Lyla called once she was close enough.

The short brunette whirled around immediately to face her taller friend. "Oh my God! You're back!" Jess shrieked immediately jumping on Lyla with a bone crushing hug.

"Yes, finally." Lyla laughed, pulling out of the hug. "How was your summer without me?"

"Oh, awful! Honestly, I can't understand how anyone could live without your rude remarks and sarcastic comments narrating their lives!" Jess declared dramatically, letting out a small giggle at the end of her claim.

"I bet." Lyla grinned with a roll of her eyes. "Anyway, where's the third Musketeer?"

Jess' face fell and Lyla finally noticed how tired and stressed the girl looked, lacking her usual cheery glow.

"What's wrong?" Lyla asked, her gut twisting as she took note of the glances being sent their way and the whispers. "Jess."

"A lot happened while you were away." Jess whispered sadly.

"Jess, you're scaring me, what's going on?" Lyla asked, panic building internally, though externally she kept herself calm and collected.

"About a week after you left, Jared just... disappeared. Only for a couple of weeks, but still." Jess started in a hushed whisper as she anxiously looked around to check for any eavesdroppers.

"Wait, what do you mean he 'disappeared'? Where'd he go?" Lyla's calm and collected facade began to slip, but before she could fire off a series of questions, Jess shushed her before dragging her into an empty classroom.

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