xxx. recovery

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter thirty )
★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter thirty )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| The first thing Lyla was conscious of as she woke up, was the annoying beeping sound coming from beside her. Initially, she thought it was her alarm, but something about the way she couldn't move her arm to turn it off told her that wasn't the case. Her head felt light as a feather, almost as if she were floating, and yet, the sensation wasn't accompanied by a weightless feeling of being able to move without restraint, instead the very attempt to move a single muscle was followed by a dull pang of pain. The panic of not knowing what was going on, or what happened made her want so desperately to open her eyes, but it was as if they were sewn shut, the effort she put into peeling her eyelids apart sending an ache through her head.

"Hey, hey, she's awake." A gruff voice spoke out.

"I'll get a nurse." A feminine voice answered immediately, hurried footsteps retreating followed soon after.

"Brian?" Lyla questioned, blinking rapidly to get her vision to focus.

She looked around, the bright light streaming through a window harsh on her sensitive eyes. She was in a hospital bed, a drip attached to her arm and a clip on her finger.

"Hey, Kiddo." Her uncle smiled gently, reclaiming her attention. He looked tired.

"You look like shit." She told him honestly.

He laughed. "Good to know that fall didn't do permanent damage to your personality."

"Fall?" Lyla asked, her mind searching for an answer of how she ended in hospital.

She remembered pain, a lot of it. Jess was there, and - Victoria. She remembered Paul being there at some point too.

"Yeah, to think, your parents used to say you should be a dancer with how graceful you are, and now look at you, clumsy enough to take a fall down a hill, hit two trees." Brian tried to tease, but his teary eyes gave him away. "You've got two fractured ribs, bruised ribs, minor grazing along your torso, a broken leg, bruising on your face, minor internal bleeding..." He trailed off, turning away from her and sniffing. "God, Lyla, you don't make my job easy."

"Nice to see you awake, Miss. Woodsen." A musical voice interrupted, it's owner entering the room, keeping to the shadowy side to the room without looking suspicious.

"Dr. Cullen." Brian greeted.

"Your wife came out looking for a nurse, I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd come and check on her myself, since she's a friend of my children's." Dr. Cullen explained smoothly.

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