xxxii. conversation

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter thirty two )
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter thirty two )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| It was hard for Lyla to remember how life was before she knew about the pack and the Cullen's, in fact, she was almost scared about how normal it had all become to her. But when Jess showed up in her doorway, interrupting Lyla's intense boredom-induced staring contest with her ceiling, Lyla was reminded of how hard it all was to accept when she first found out the truth. She'd been lucky, having Paul by her side answering every question she had, but Jess didn't have that, sure Jared was her brother, but he was always with the pack and Jess wasn't going to walk into the wolf den alone.

"Hey." She greeted, unable to mask her surprise at seeing her ex-best friend.

"Hey." Jess said back, a guilty look twisting her face as she hovered in the doorway. "I know I should've come by earlier, but I just... I guess I didn't know what to say now that all the craziness has died down."

"Yeah, I get it... I hate that this is us now, talking to each other used to be as easy as breathing to us." Lyla sighed, pushing herself to sit up on her bed.

"It's my fault, I've been such an awful friend." Jess admitted through trembling lips.

"Jess, it wasn't—"

"Don't do that, I was a complete bitch because I was hurt." She interrupted, walking further into the room with tears in her eyes.

"And I was the one who hurt you. I'm so sorry about Paul and sneaking around behind your back." Lyla spoke quickly before Jess could dismiss her — because she knew, no matter what Jess did, it was her actions that triggered their fight.

Jess took a seat at Lyla's desk, turning to face the girl she once considered a sister. "Honestly, it wasn't even the fact that you were with Paul that upset me, I mean sure it hurt a little that the guy I liked chose you, but it just killed me that you thought I was so selfish that I wouldn't of been happy for you. I mean, you were my best friend, I want you to be happy no matter what, but I want to be apart of your life when you are, not cut out."

"I never intended to cut you out, or lie and keep it all a secret, and it definitely wasn't because I thought you were selfish." Lyla assured Jess, trying her best not to cry as they hashed it all out. "I was just so scared that it would hurt you, you'd liked him for so long—"

"And he never liked me back, that wasn't your fault and I shouldn't have acted like it was." Jess interrupted, almost sobbing as she explained how she felt. "I was just terrified that I was losing you, Jared wouldn't even look at me and then suddenly it was like you were drifting away. And then your mum came to town, and instead of you leaning on me it was Paul you ran to, and that hurt so much."

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