xv. high school bitches

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter fifteen )
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter fifteen )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Following her mother's appearance, Lyla barely left her room. Her sudden desire for isolation was partly due to fear of her mother finding her again, and partly from the fact that she was at a loss of what she would do if she did leave. The feeling of loneliness had been seeping in ever since Jared left, him seemingly being the first lost friend of many. Bella and her still hadn't spoken since their fight, but Brian had told her about Charlie's worry after his daughter upped and flew to Italy without warning. She hadn't seen Jake since he'd joined Sam and the others. As far as she knew, Jess still wanted nothing to do with her anymore, which meant Quil's company was also out of the question. Lyla knew that Paul was still there for her, but she also knew that he couldn't be, not if she wanted any chance to redeem herself with Jess. She didn't want to lose him, in fact, it hurt her more than it should have to even think about him not being apart of her life, but it was selfish of her to keep their friendship, and she'd already been far too selfish. It was a moment of weakness when she called him from outside the diner, and when she asked him to stay.

"Lyla." Her uncle sighed as he entered her room, seeing her still curled up in her bed, as she had been all weekend. "You can't keep this up. Either you need to give me a valid reason for never leaving you bed again, or you have to go to school."

"All these years, I've been wishing for her to come back." Lyla muttered hoarsely, her throat sore from lack of use. "And now here she is, but all I can wish for now, is for my friends to come back. Because she was gone, she means nothing anymore, but they were always there, and now their gone."

"What are you talking about?" Brian asked in confusion, having no clue what she was murmuring about.

She turned to him, her eyes dulled and her face thin and pale. "My mom's back."

The information obviously caught the scruffy man off guard.

"Oh-uh, wh-why didn't you tell me?" Brian asked, his voice tense as he looked down, trying to think of the right way to handle this situation.

Lyla shrugged. "You've taken care of me for years, even though I wasn't yours to take care of. I guess I just didn't want to bother you with my issues as well."

It wasn't the truth. Lyla was actually worried that Brian would see Elizabeth's return as an opportunity. He'd never wanted kids, but he got stuck with Lyla out of obligation to his dead brother, there had never been another option because of Elizabeth running away, but now she was back, and part of Lyla was terrified that her uncle would want to pass her back to her mother.

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