xxxi. sick of apologies

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter thirty one )
★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter thirty one )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

* . °•| "Hey, Sleeping Beauty." Was the first thing Lyla heard as her eyes fluttered open, sun leaking into her bedroom and forcing her to wake. It was his voice, she'd recognise it anywhere, and a smile formed on her face before her eyes even found him.

"Hey." She replied hazily.

"How you feeling?" Paul asked gently, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair from her face as he sat on the side of her bed.

"Good. How long have you been here?" Lyla asked guiltily.

Paul had taken to sneaking in through Lyla's window while she was in bed recovering, what with Brian refusing to let him in the front door even after encouragement from Sue, Billy and Old Quill.

"Not long, and I've got a few days off now." Paul smiled as he spoke — Sam had been going easy on the guys since they defeated the army, the main threat being long gone, but he gave Paul the most leeway so he could spend his time with Lyla — after all, all the wolves knew that an injured imprint was their worst nightmare come to life.

"Good." Lyla grinned, trying to sit up and smacking Paul's hands away as he tried to help her.

"You shouldn't push yourself." Paul scolded.

"I'm sitting up, Paul, not running a marathon, take it easy." Lyla rolled her eyes ( thoroughly sick of being treated like she was incapable of doing anything herself ).

"Come on, Lyla, Victoria did a lot of damage-"

"I know, but I'm healing, you don't need to baby me."

"Yes, I do, it's my fault." Paul argued.

"It's not." Lyla sighed.

"You're my imprint, Lyla, I'm supposed to protect you."

"I'm not some damsel in distress, Paul, so shut it and tell me how everyone's doing." Lyla demanded, leaving no room for argument.

There was no denying she was bored out of her mind. Laying in her room day in day out was driving her crazy, she couldn't even make it downstairs — getting her up there was hard enough — let alone leaving the house to see how everyone was doing.

"Everyone's fine, Emily's bummed that you can't help her plan the wedding — and every time one of the guys picks on Kim she just says 'just wait until Lyla's back!'" Paul mimicked in a high pitched voice. "The guys are all fine... apart from Jake, he's-"

TO BE TRUSTED | twilightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें