xii. broken hearted

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter twelve )
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter twelve )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Eventually, Lyla managed to convince Paul to leave. But once he was gone, she didn't feel victorious or relieved that it was all over, no, instead she felt empty, and alone. She didn't think the loss of Paul from her life would affect her as much as it did, after all, she'd only been friends with him for a couple of months, and they'd argued a lot within that time: the stress and guilt that spending time with him had brought was enough to make Lyla go mad. Yet still, his absence, and the consequential absence of the butterflies she was so used to having because of him, dampened her mood considerably.

Her and Jess hadn't spoken since their little argument, and Quil barely left Jess's side meaning Lyla hadn't seen him either. Though plenty of people considered Lyla their friend - her good looks paired with her careless, bitchy attitude made her respected and popular - she never needed anyone but Jess and Jared, and the thought of sitting with other people really didn't appeal to her, so she sat alone, the whispers and observations about it partnered with her foul mood making her want to punch someone's lights out.

It was a relief to be able to walk out of school that day, and the relief of having the weekend to compose herself made Lyla feel slightly better. Only slightly. She walked home as fast as she could before walking to the diner to start work. Cora instantly sussed out the girl's mood and left her to it, allowing Lyla to lose herself in her thoughts as she scrubbed tables and served customers. For once, Lyla was sure that it was going to be a drama-free shift, thankful for some peace after a long and particularly trying week at school.

But, of course, peace wasn't something easy to come by in Lyla's life.

"Hey." A soft voice broke Lyla from her thoughts.

Jess's voice caught her off guard and she could barely keep the look of shock from her face as Jess stared at her guiltily from the other side of the counter.

"Hi." Lyla answered shortly.

"So, today was..." Jess trailed off with a frown plastered on her face as she tried to think of a word.

"Strange? Boring? Lonely?" Lyla suggested, her voice slightly bitter as she refused to meet Jess's eye, instead finding something to keep her hands busy.

"Awful." Jess concluded. "I can't remember the last day we spent without talking."

"Yeah." Lyla agreed, beginning to refill the salt shakers.

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