xvi. secrets

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter sixteen )
★ 。 / | \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter sixteen )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Something about the look in Jess's eyes, something that Lyla couldn't stop thinking about, made her know their friendship was over. The Woodsen girl still had a sliver of hope that one day they'd come back together, but she knew it wouldn't be for a while, and she knew that for however long that was, she'd have a hole in her heart that she had no one but herself to blame for.

The rest of the week wasn't any easier than her first day back, but she continued to face it with an indifferent front when she heard the insults, and an false smirk when she spoke her own. She saw Quil a few times, his spirits seeming lower than ever and his previously nonexistent temper growing by the day. He didn't seem any keener on Jess's new friends than Lyla was, but he was too angry to hang out with Lyla, having no respect for the girl's association with one of Sam Uley's followers. Lyla instead floated round from group to group, laughing and joking with people as if she didn't have a worry in the world, and making light of the way they spoke behind her back, while also making sure they knew she wasn't one to allow any two-faced, fake friends to walk all over her.

She was grateful Paul had kept his distance, figuring he probably heard all the rumours and figuring out what was going down between her and Jess was partially because of him. Paul was aware, in fact, he was rather angry about it, the boys having to drag him from the school to the woods when he first heard what people were saying about Lyla. He'd not been allowed to school for a few days after that, missing Lyla's return. It was Saturday when he finally took action.

He ran up to the front door, knocking before standing and waiting rather impatiently for the girl he wanted to see.

She finally opened the door, looking utterly surprised to find the Lahote boy standing there.

"Jess." He greeted stiffly.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" The girl asked, her voice slightly shaky and her eyes wide as she blinked up at him.

"I figured you should know, Lyla never wanted anything to do with me, I didn't really give her much choice." Paul explained simply. "Half of the time she was telling me about how amazing you were. It was me who kept chasing after her, and it was her that called it off. Because she didn't want to risk hurting you. And now she's lost you anyway, and she won't talk to me, and most of her other friends aren't there for her right now."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Jess asked, bewildered not only by his words, but that he was there in the first place - he clearly cared a lot to come and do this, and she'd never really given much thought about him and his feelings, focusing her blame on Lyla too intently.

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